Index zur Beurteilung von Ausdehnung und Schwere des Melasmas.
Einbezogen sind 4 Gesichtsregionen und 3 aufsummierende Kriterien:
- Stirnregion (30%)
- Linke Jochbeinregion (30%)
- Rechte Jochbeinregion (30%)
- Kinnregion (10%)
Die klinsichen Kriterien sind:
- Area (0=not involved; 1=<10%; 2 = 10%-29%; 3 = 30%-49%; 4 = 50%-69%; 5 = 70%-89%; 6= 90%-100%)
- Pigmentierungsgrad (0 = absent; 1 = slight; 2 = mild; 3 = marked; and 4 = maximum)
- Homogenität (0 = absent; 1 = slight; 2 = mild; 3 = marked; and 4 = maximum)
The MASI score is calculated by adding the sum of the severity ratings for darkness and homogeneity, multiplied by the value of the area of involvement, for each of the 4 facial areas.
The score ranges from 0-48. It can be used as a baseline and also for treatment follow up.
LiteraturFür Zugriff auf PubMed Studien mit nur einem Klick empfehlen wir

- Pandya AG et al. (2011) Reliability assessment and validation of the Melasma Area and Severity Index (MASI) and a new modified MASI scoring method. J Am Acad Dermatol 64: 78-83.