Chemokines Bilder
Zum Fachartikel Chemokines
Schematic representation of a "C-chemokine" with a disulfide bridge between the two cysteine residues (scheme varies according to L.Kohidai 2008)

Schematic representation of a "CC chemokine" with 2 disulfide bridges between the cysteine residues (scheme varies according to L. Kohidai 2008)

Schematic diagram of a "CXC chemokine" with 2 disulfide bridges between the cysteine residues X (CXC) between the two C (=cysteine residue) stands for a different amino acid (scheme varies according to L.Kohidai 2008)

Schematic diagram of a "CXXXC chemokine" with 2 disulfide bridges between the cysteine residues. 3X (CXXXC) between the two C (=cysteine residue) stand for 3 other amino acids (scheme varies according to L.Kohidai 2008).

Schematic representation of a (transmembrane) chemokine receptor.