Department Cosmetology

Prof. Dr. med. Peter Altmeyer

This section contains over 6,000 terms with explanatory texts from all areas of cosmetics. The keywords are listed and searchable according to the international guideline (INCI) for the declaration of ingredients in cosmetics. The structure thus follows the international standard according to which all ingredients of cosmetic articles must be declared.

Frequently listed terms deviate from their chemical names, which is why they are additionally listed as synonyms.  

Knowledge about the ingredients of cosmetics is important for physicians working in the field of cosmetics and allergology. In addition, they are also important for every user of cosmetic products, especially when it comes to incompatibilities. 

In order to allow an uncomplicated access to phytotherapeutics and the underlying botanical information, we refer in short form to compounds of cosmetic ingredients and natural products, if available.


News from the department of Cosmetology

Latest entry from the department of Cosmetology:

Melaleuca alternifolia oil (inci)

Melaleuca alternifolia oil (inci) Definition Fatty or essential oil from the leaves (or needles) or needles of Melaleuca alternafolia, the tea-tree. S.u. Tea tree oil (naturopathy)Melaleuca alternifolia is used in cosmetic formulations. The essential tea tree oil has an antimicrobial effect (help...

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