Gaiter ulcer Images
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Largeulcer of the left lower leg and back of the foot in a 63-year-old female patient with CVI known for 20 years after several split skin transplants.

gaiter ulcer. large, yellowish ulcer in the calf area in a 61-year-old female patient with lymphedema persisting for 25 years. after skin transplantation approx. 1.5 years ago, since then severe oozing and pain. distinct reddening of the periulcerous area. massive pain in the ulcerous area, indentable oedema.

Largeulcer covering the lower leg in chronic venous insufficiency.

Large ulcer of thegaiter, covering almost the entire lower leg, with a circumferential ulcer in chronic venous insufficiency.

Circumferentialulcer covering almost the entire lower leg in chronic venous insufficiency (see initial condition), 6 weeks after split skin coverage.