Valerianae radix

Last updated on: 04.03.2025

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DefinitionThis section has been translated automatically.

Rootstock and roots of valerian, see also valerian root.

Quality is defined in the European Pharmacopoeia (Ph. Eur.):

HMPC - Monograph: well-established use as dry extracts (DEV 3-7,4:1, extractant ethanol 40 - 70 %): mild nervous tension, insomnia. Also well-established use in combinations of valerian root and hop cones: insomnia. Additionally traditional-use: valerian root cut drug and other dry extracts, liquid extracts, valerian tincture, valerian fresh plant juice and valerian essential oil: mild stress-related symptoms, sleep aid
ESCOP monograph: mild nervous tension and/or sleep disorders.
Commission e-monograph: restlessness, nervous sleep disorders.

Empirical medicine: nervous stomach cramps, colic and uterine spasms

EffectsThis section has been translated automatically.

Sleep-promoting, sedative due to the effect on GABA and benzodiazepine receptors. The concentration of GABA in the synaptic cleft is increased, the release of activating neurotransmitters is decreased. Spasmolytic, muscle relaxant.

DosageThis section has been translated automatically.

Daily dose: 400-600 mg, please note: The effect of valerian only sets in after 14 days due to the special pharmacokinetics: The concentration of GABA, the most important inhibitory neurotransmitter, is increased in the synaptic cleft, which reduces the release of activating neurotransmitters.

ContraindicationThis section has been translated automatically.

Pregnancy and lactation due to lack of data. Children under 12 years of age in the absence of data. simultaneous administration of barbiturates - excessive sedation!

Note(s)This section has been translated automatically.

Due to the possible impairment of the ability to react, it is recommended to refrain from driving or operating machinery for several hours.

The combination with hops shows a faster onset of action - the combination is also listed in the HMPC monograph: "well-established use" for the indication of sleep disorders.

LiteratureThis section has been translated automatically.

  3. Wenigmann M. (2017) Phytotherapy medicinal drugs, phytopharmaceuticals, application. Urban & Fischer, pp.75-76
  4. Miller LG (1998) Herbal medicinals: selected clinical considerations focusing on known or potential drug-herb interactions. Arch Intern Med. 9;158(20):2200-2211. doi: 10.1001/archinte.158.20.2200. PMID: 9818800
  5. Ortiz JG et al.(1999) Effects of Valeriana officinalis extracts on [3H]flunitrazepam binding, synaptosomal [3H]GABA uptake, and hippocampal [3H]GABA release. Neurochem Res. 24:1373-1378. doi: 10.1023/a:1022576405534. PMID: 10555777.

Last updated on: 04.03.2025