Turnerae diffusae folium

Authors: Prof. Dr. med. Peter Altmeyer, Prof. Dr. med. Martina Bacharach-Buhles

All authors of this article

Last updated on: 02.03.2025

Dieser Artikel auf Deutsch


Damian leaves; folia damianae

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Turnerae diffusae folium refers to the leaves of Turnera diffusa, also known as Damian leaves.

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Essential oil with mono- and sesquiter terpenes, bitter substances, tanning agents.

Field of application/use
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Common unproven indication: tonic, aphrodisiac, colds and lower urinary tract infections. The effects are not scientifically proven.

The leaves are administered in Mexico as tea.

Homeopathy: Turnera diffusa (HAB2013), leaves collected and dried during the flowering period. These are administered in cases of lack of sexual experience and menstrual disorders (positive monograph of Commission D).

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Ammon H et al (2014). Hunnius Pharmaceutical Dictionary. Walter de Gruyter GmbH Berlin/Boston S 1832

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