DefinitionThis section has been translated automatically.
Essences, tinctures and solutions prepared from the branch tips of Thuja occidentalis are used in naturopathy or homeopathy.
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Commission E: not edited
IngredientsThis section has been translated automatically.
Thujae summitates contains essential oils and thujones, especially diterpenes such as dehydroabietan, neothujic acid III and IV, lignans, thujaplicatin methyl ester, epipinoresinol as well as monoterpenes such as alpha thujone, beta thujone, fenchone. Sesquiterpenes have also been proven.
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Spectrum of actionThis section has been translated automatically.
Undesirable effectsThis section has been translated automatically.
Irritation of mucous membranes, abdominal pain, vomiting, individual cases: rheumatic symptoms. In case of overdose: metabolic disorders, liver and kidney damage with lethal outcome, chronic CNS disorders.
Low doses (1.5 to 3.85 mg) show no or very minor side effects.
The EMA has recommended a maximum daily dose of 3.5 mg of thujone, which is contained in several plants.
ContraindicationThis section has been translated automatically.
Pregnancy and lactation; allergy to Thuja or any ingredient.
Trade namesThis section has been translated automatically.
Thuja oligoplex®; Thuja tinctures
LiteratureThis section has been translated automatically.
- Chang LC et al (2000) Bioactive constituents of Thuja occidentalis. J Nat Prod 63: 1235-1238
- Iwamoto M et al (2003) Potential antitumor promoting diterpenoids from the stem bark of Thuja standishii. Planta Med 69: 69-72
- Nickavar B et al (2003) Volatile constituents of the fruit and leaf oils of Thuja orientalis L. grown in Iran. Z Natural history 58: 171-172