DefinitionThis section has been translated automatically.
Dried leaves of the datura.
Quality specified in the European Pharmacopoeia (Ph. Eur.).
Phytopharmacologically, stramonium leaves may not be used due to the alkaloids they contain (hyoscyamine, scopolamine).
Quality is defined in the European Pharmacopoeia (Ph. Eur.).
HMPC: not processed - highly toxic due to alkaloid content
ESCOP: not processed - highly toxic due to alkaloid content
Commission E: negative monograph
Empirical medicine: asthma, spasmodic cough.
Stramonii semen: identical with Stramonii folium
IngredientsThis section has been translated automatically.
Strongly acting tropane alkaloids, especially L-hyoscyamine, scopolamine and atropine, withanolides, flavonoids and coumarins. The toxicity comes from the tropane alkaloids.