Rauwolfia alkaloids

Authors: Prof. Dr. med. Peter Altmeyer, Prof. Dr. med. Martina Bacharach-Buhles

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Last updated on: 22.01.2025

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The indole alkaloids contained in the Rauwolfia root such as reserpine, rescinamine, deserpine, ajmaline, raubasine and serpentine.

The Rauwolfia alkaloids are classified according to their structure and basicity into quaternary anhydronium bases (serpentine, serpentinin and alstonin),

tertiary indoline alkaloids (ajmaline, rauwolfinine and semperflorine) and tertiary indole bases (reserpine, yohimbine, ajmaciline, reserpinine).

see under Rauwolfiae radix

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Rauwolfiae radix;