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Quercus cortex

Authors: Prof. Dr. med. Peter Altmeyer, Prof. Dr. med. Martina Bacharach-Buhles

All authors of this article

Last updated on: 31.01.2025

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quercus cortex

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Phytotherapeutically used oak bark. Quercus species such as English oak, summer oak, holm oak, sessile oak and winter oak are the parent plants of the officinal drug (ÖAB90; DAC86) Quercus cortex (oak bark).

Quality is defined in the European Pharmacopoeia (Ph. Eur.).

HMPC monograph: Traditional-use: Symptomatic therapy of mild diarrhea and mild inflammation of the oral mucosa and skin; burning and itching in hemorrhoidal disorders
ESCOP: not processed
Commission. E-monograph: external: inflammatory skin diseases, mild inflammation of the mouth and throat, genital and anal area. Internal: non-specific, acute diarrheal diseases; also for local treatment

Empirical medicine: increased foot perspiration, chilblains

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Oak bark contains ellagitannins (hydrolyzable tannins), catechin tannins (condensed tannins) in a ratio of 77:23; it also contains complex tannins (including flavanoellagitannins).

Field of application/use
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Topically for inflammations in the mouth and throat area as well as genital and anal area. In the decay phase of acute or subacute eczema. Also for chronic eczema (e.g. eyelid eczema).

Peroral application in non-specific acute diarrhoeal diseases.

Undesirable effects
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Rare allergic reactions

Standard concentration
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5 g drug to 1 l water for full and partial baths.

For compresses, boil 10 g drug (1 tablespoon oak bark) in 1 liter of water for 15 minutes. Cool and use undiluted as moist compresses or poultices. Can also be used as a gargle solution. Solution must be prepared daily.

The concentration of oak bark ranges from 5 g / 1 l to 100 g / l water.

We recommend ready-made preparations.

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Pregnancy and lactation due to lack of safety data, children and adolescents under 18 years.

Allergic reactions to any of the components, extensive open wounds on skin or mucous membrane.

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Internally, delayed absorption of drugs administered at the same time. Caution: At least 1 hour interval before taking other drugs.

Trade names
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Traxaton®; Balcann® skin ointment;

oak bark extract from the Schupp company (20ml on 300 ml water for envelopes)

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  1. Deryabin DG et al. (2015) Antibacterial and Anti-Quorum Sensing Molecular
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  3. Kraft K (2007) Diseases of the skin. Zschr Phytotherapy 28: 76-78.
  4. https://arzneipflanzenlexikon.info/eiche.php
  5. https://www.ema.europa.eu/en/documents/herbal-monograph/final-community-herbal-monograph-quercus-robur-l-quercus-petraea-matt-liebl-quercus-pubescens-willd_en.pdf
  6. Wenigmann M. (2017) Phytotherapy medicinal drugs, phytopharmaceuticals, application. Urban & Fischer, pp. 99-101