
Authors: Prof. Dr. med. Peter Altmeyer, Prof. Dr. med. Martina Bacharach-Buhles

All authors of this article

Last updated on: 06.01.2025

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black nettle; Black nettle Chinese; perilla frutescens; Sesame leaf; wild sesame

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Perilla, also known as Perilla frutescens, sesame leaf or Chinese black nettle, is a genus of plants in the Lamiaceae family. It is thought to have originated in India and China. Perilla frutescens is now also found in East, Southeast and South Asia. Leaves and seed extracts are used for seasoning and medicinal purposes. Perilla frutescens is used as a spice or as a herbal drug in medicines.

General information
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Perilla frutescens grows as an annual and herbaceous plant and reaches growth heights between 30 cm and 60 cm, but depending on the climate Perilla can also grow considerably taller. The plants are green to dark purple in colour and have short and rough hairs.
Perilla frutescens has oval leaves and striking inflorescences at the ends and sides. The crown of the flower is white to purple red in colour.

Perilla frutescens is the parent plant of Oleum Perillae frutescentis semen, the relatively fatty oil from the perilla seed.

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