Corn poppy

Authors: Prof. Dr. med. Peter Altmeyer, Prof. Dr. med. Martina Bacharach-Buhles

All authors of this article

Last updated on: 10.11.2024

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(e) Papaver; (e) Poppy flower; Gossip Rose; (i) Papavero; Papaver rhoeas; Poppy

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The poppy, also known as the poppy flower, is a plant species from the poppy genus (Papaver) within the poppy family (Papaveraceae). The poppy is a deciduous, annual to biennial herbaceous plant with a growth height of 20 to 90 cm, not to be confused with the opium poppy.

Phytopharmacologically only negative monographs, see under Papaveris rhoeados flos

General information
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Milky sap is produced in articulated and net-like connected milky sap tubes. The sparsely branched stem is relatively thin and hairy. Papaver rhoeas, the corn poppy, has hairy green lancet-shaped, roughly incised leaves that are about 15 cm long. The poppy flowers from May to July. The 5-10 cm large, rich red, more rarely white or purple flowers are single, terminal on the stem. The capsule fruits that develop from them contain numerous black seeds that are barely 1mm in size when fully ripe.

Caution: Poppy seeds can trigger allergies of the immediate type, see under food allergy! Cross-reaction with nuts!

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Folklore: Papaver rhoeas is the parent plant of Papaveris rhoeados flos, also known as Flores Papaveris rhoeados, the poppy flowers officially listed in Ph.Eur.8, which are popularly used for coughs and hoarseness, especially in children, and for insomnia and restlessness. Negative monograph of the Commission E.

Homeopathy: Papaver rhoeas (HAB2013) is used homeopathically for a wide variety of disorders (insomnia, sore throat). A negative monograph of Commission D is available.

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