Salp15 Iric-1

Last updated on: 29.06.2024

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Salp15 Iric-1 is a Salp15 homolog that has been identified in I. ricinus.

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The salivary protein Salp15 of I. scapularis binds with high affinity to the outer surface protein (Osp) C of B. burgdorferi and protects the spirochete from antibody-mediated killing.

Salp15 Iric-1 is a Salp15 homolog that has been identified in I. ricinus. Like Salp15, the salivary protein binds to B. burgdorferi OspC. This binding protects the spirochete from antibody-mediated killing in vitro and in vivo. Salp15 Iric-1 is able to bind to OspC of B. garinii and B. afzelii.

Last updated on: 29.06.2024