Bateman et al (1986) reported on one sibling pair with ligneous conjunctivitis. The authors found reports of 9 other affected sibling pairs, suggesting autosomal recessive inheritance, although no parental consanguinity was found. In one of the patients reported by Bateman et al. (1986), Cohen (1990) observed laryngeal and tracheobronchial involvement leading to voice changes and obstructive lung disease.
Mingers et al (1997) described 3 unrelated women with ligneous conjunctivitis and additional pseudomembranous lesions of other mucous membranes associated with plasminogen deficiency. The disease was characterized by massive fibrin deposition in the mucous membranes due to lack of clearance by plasmin. Infusion of plasminogen in 2 of the patients resulted in normal plasminogen activity, confirming the causative defect, although there was no significant clinical improvement.
Schuster et al (1997) reported on two unrelated girls of Turkish descent who had ligneous conjunctivitis and occlusive hydrocephalus. One patient first developed chronic bilateral conjunctivitis at 4 months of age. At 2 years of age, enlargement of the head was noted. At 25 months of age, the child suddenly became comatose and showed generalized hypotonia. Occlusive hydrocephalus was noted; a ventriculoatrial shunt was placed. At this time, pseudomembranous lesions of both conjunctivae and gingival hyperplasia appeared. At 3 years of age and several times thereafter, the pseudomembranes in both eyes were surgically removed. At the age of 8 years, local treatment with eye drops containing hyaluronidase proved to be extremely beneficial. Genetic analysis revealed that both girls had a homozygous mutation in the plasminogen gene.
Schott et al (1998) reported a child with plasminogen deficiency born to consanguineous Turkish parents. Prenatal ultrasonography revealed progressive hydrocephalus, and the child was born at 35 weeks' gestation. A bulging fontanel and macrocephalus were the only findings at that time. Three days after birth, she developed bilateral inflammation of the palpebral portion of the conjunctiva with hypersecretion and formation of pseudomembranes. Within two weeks, a thick, yellowish-white, fibrous, woody pseudomembrane layer of conjunctival growths had developed, spreading from the inner surface of the upper and lower eyelids and completely occluding both eyes. The pseudomembranes were surgically removed several times but quickly regrew. Imaging studies revealed a Dandy-Walker malformation, hypoplasia of the cerebellum, and a hypoplastic corpus callosum.
There was also hyperviscosity of tracheobronchial and nasopharyngeal secretions and impaired wound healing. Substitution therapy with lysine-conjugated plasminogen resulted in rapid regression of pseudomembranes and normalization of airway secretions and wound healing. Molecular analysis revealed a homozygous mutation in the PLG gene (173350.0006). A healthy brother and unaffected parents were heterozygous for this mutation.
Schuster et al (1999) performed a follow-up of the siblings reported by Bateman et al (1986). The 19-year-old sister first developed conjunctivitis at 3 weeks of age. At 3 years of age, she developed bilateral conjunctival pseudomembranes and was diagnosed with ligneous conjunctivitis. These membranes recurred, requiring surgical removal 18 times. The incidence of conjunctival membrane formation had decreased in recent years. At the age of 5 years, she developed hoarseness and was found to have ligamentous membranes in her vocal cords. She also presented with asthma-like symptoms. At age 8, she developed pneumomediastinum and had her first of 20 bronchoscopies to remove thickened membranes from her laryngotracheobronchial tree. At age 16, she developed an abscess in her left lung that required bronchoscopic drainage. Other features included gingival membranes and nodular, calcified masses in the renal pelvis. The 14-year-old brother had developed conjunctivitis at 9 months of age, which worsened at 4 years of age. Since age 5, he had to undergo 15 surgeries for ligneous conjunctival membranes. He also had gingival membranes associated with intermittent bleeding, lingua geographica, and sinusitis, as well as membrane formation in the pharynx and renal pelvic system. Duodenal ulcers and eosinophilic mucositis of the stomach were also observed.