Living will

Last updated on: 22.01.2022

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  1. In principle, a living will does not need to be notarized or certified by a notary public.
  2. The person making the disposition can draw up this disposition by hand but also typewrite it. In both cases it would be useful, but not necessary for effectiveness, if a trusted person were to note at the end of the text and after the signatures of the person making the disposition: "Ms/Mr _________________ has drawn up this living will in my presence and signed it in my presence. The person making the disposition was recognizably legally competent." Today, private living wills can also be entered in the central register of the Federal Chamber of Notaries. This is expedient because hospitals, authorities, doctors, etc. can then inspect them. can inspect. One receives a certificate in the size of a credit card, which one then carries "always" anyway.
  3. Notarization of the living will is no longer required for entry in the central register of the Federal Chamber of Notaries. Anyone can make the entry in person.
  4. Each page of this document is marked with the place, date and signature.
  5. All pages should be "indissolubly" linked to each other so that the written form requirement is met.

General information
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1. in full possession of my mental powers, I declare that in the event of an incurable, fatal illness or incurable, fatal consequences of an accident, I do not wish to be kept alive by artificial means, medication or medical-technical aids. I ask and demand in the long term from every attending physician and the hospital that in such a case only aid in dying and means for pain relief be granted to me. This includes, in particular, oral care to prevent thirst and palliative medical measures, such as medication to effectively combat pain, shortness of breath, anxiety, restlessness, vomiting and other symptoms of illness. I agree to be administered any amount of medication necessary to relieve me of pain and great distress. I expressly agree that no objection will be raised on my part if unavoidable side effects occur as a result, possibly hastening the occurrence of my death.

2. in all situations described under point 1, I wish in particular:

  • the omission of life-prolonging or life-sustaining measures which would only delay the onset of death and thereby unnecessarily prolong possible suffering;
  • no resuscitation measures.

3. in the situations described by me under point 1, especially in those situations in which death is not imminent, as well as in cases of prolonged coma without, in medical judgment, probable prospect of regaining consciousness, I wish to be allowed to die and demand:

  • The omission of artificial nutrition (neither by gastric tube through the mouth, nose or abdominal wall, nor by vein),
  • reduced administration of fluids at the discretion of the physician.

I attach particular importance to the statement that I make this declaration after careful consideration and at a time when I am in full possession of my faculties and without any influence from third parties. This is my free will and not unduly influenced by any party. It is an expression of my right to self-determination. For this reason, I do not wish any change in my will to be imputed to me in the specific situation of non-decision-making capacity as long as I have not expressly revoked it (in writing or demonstrably verbally). I know that I can amend the living will or revoke it in its entirety at any time.

5. i already request every attending physician and the hospital doctors to respect this my free will under all circumstances. The general representative is authorized and obligated to present the above declaration to the attending physicians and the clinicians. In all other respects, the foregoing declaration is addressed to all whom it concerns, in particular my family and my physicians.

I know that this declaration is and must be regarded as my express wish and will vis-à-vis the attending physician or the clinic, but that the physician's and the clinic physicians' own ethical decision cannot be directly influenced by it. Nevertheless, I urge every physician treating me already today to respect my will in accordance with the above declaration.

_____________, the ______________ _____________________________________


I attest that _________________ made this living will on ___________ in full possession of

of his/her mental powers in my presence.

_____________, the ______________ _____________________________________

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This living will was prepared by Konrad Breuer , Attorney at Law. Mr. Breuer has worked for many years as an expert in the field of inheritance law, including the law of succession of the EU and the international law of succession as well as the succession in practice and the succession in business this under special consideration of the law of succession. Mr. Breuer can be reached under the personal e-mail address [email protected] or under the mobile number: D-0177 5420909.

Last updated on: 22.01.2022