Irritation conduction disorders

Author: Dr. med. S. Leah Schröder-Bergmann

All authors of this article

Last updated on: 17.12.2022

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As early as 1845, J.E. Purkinje described the Purkinje fibres named after him and in 1893 W. His jr. described the His bundle. In 1906 L. Aschoff and S. Tawara described the AV knot for the first time.

One year later, the sinus node was discovered as the primary center of stimulation by A. Keith and M. W. Flack. The Wenckebach bundle was described in 1906 / 1907 by K. F. Wenckebach and the Mahaim fibers by I. Mahaim in 1932 (Lewalter 2010).

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A conduction disorder is the faulty transmission of the heart excitation (Müller 2019). The conduction disorder, together with the stimulation disorder and the tachycardia, belongs to the group of cardiac dysrhythmia (Herold 2020).

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Conduction disorders include:

  • sinuatrial block I - III (SA- block): The disturbance of conduction lies between the sinus node and the right atrium (Ohly 2018)
  • atrioventricular block I - III (AV- block): The disturbance of conduction lies between the AV- node and the ventricles (Ohly 2018)
  • intraventricular delay of excitation propagation / thigh block: Here the disturbance lies in the Tawara- thighs (Buchta 2004) (Herold 2020).

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The conduction disorder is most frequently caused by an (idiopathic) cardiomyopathy (Sokolow 1981).

Causes for cardiac arrhythmia in general can be:

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For relevant block images, pacemaker therapy is usually indicated (Buchta 2004).

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  1. Buchta M et al (2004) The second StEx: Basic knowledge of clinical medicine for exams and practice. Springer publishing house 7, 12
  2. Herold G et al (2020) Internal medicine. Herold Verlag S 273, S 277 - 280
  3. Lewalter B et al (2010) Cardiac arrhythmias: Diagnosis and therapy. Springer Medicine Publishing House 2 - 5
  4. Müller L (2019) Comparison: Short-term ECGs (Smartphone 3 min/short time 30 sec/holter 5 min) versus long-term ECG (Holter 24 h) in dogs with atrial fibrillation. Inaugural dissertation of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of the Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich
  5. Ohly A et al (2018) ECG - finally understandable. Elsevier Urban and Fischer Publisher S 108
  6. Sokolow M et al (1981) Cardiology Springer Verlag S 537


Last updated on: 17.12.2022