1st heart sound
According to traditional doctrine, the 1st heart sound (S1) is produced by the closure of the mitral and tricuspid valves and by ventricular tension. According to a second hypothesis, it is generated by the sudden deceleration of the blood during valve closure. This causes vibration of the ventricles, chordae tendinae, and blood (Dennis 2019).
S1 occurs approximately 0.02 - 0.04 sec after the onset of the QRS complex (Herold 2022). The mitral valve can be auscultated in the 5th ICR medioclavicularly, the tricuspid valve in the region of the 4th rib right parasternal (Balletshofer 2006).
The intensity of the sound depends on the:
- Distance required for the anterior valve leaflet to return to the annular plane.
- contractility of the left ventricle
- mobility of the valve leaflet
- the PR interval (Kasper 2015).
The loudness of the 1st heart sound is high in:
- in patients with hyperkinetic circulation
- in the early phase of rheumatic mitral stenosis (MS)
- in case of a short PR interval (Kasper 2015)
- Ventricular septal defect
- high cardiac output
- Atrial myxoma (Dennis 2019)
Volume decreases with:
- therapy with beta-adrenergic receptor blockers
- in later stages of mitral stenosis due to calcification and rigidity of the valve
- in case of left ventricular dysfunction of contraction
- long PR intervals (Kasper 2015)
- severe mitral regurgitation(this prevents complete closure of the valve leaflets by returning blood [Dennis 2019])
- due to large distance between stethoscope and heart due to e.g.:
2nd heart sound
The 2nd heart sound (S2) occurs due to closure of the aortic and pulmonary valves. It is brighter and shorter than S1. It occurs at the end of the T wave.
It is best auscultated in the 2nd ICR parasternal right (aortic valve) and left (pulmonary valve). When there is an increase in pressure in the great circulation, the sound is louder over the aorta; when there is an increase in pressure in the pulmonary circulation, the sound is louder over the pulmonary artery (Herold 2022).
Physiologically, the A2- P2 interval (aortic valve closure = A2, P2 = pulmonary valve closure) increases during inspiration and narrows during expiration (Kasper 2015).
- Amplified 2nd heart sound by:
- Pulmonary hypertension (Here, the pulmonary component of S2 is louder than normal [Dennis 2019]).
- Physiological splitting of the 2nd heart sound:
This results from a delayed closure of the aortic or pulmonary valve. It is said to be a physiological split if the gap is up to 0.08 sec during deep inspiration. The splitting is audible due to the negative pressure in the thorax and the transient increased diastolic filling of the right ventricle during inspiration (Herold 2022).
This physiologic split during inspiration is usually absent in patients >50 years of age (Mewis 2006).
- Wide splitting of the 2nd heart sound:
This results from delayed closure of the pulmonic valve or premature closure of the aortic valve (Dennis 2019).
Here, during expiration, the closing sounds of the aortic or pulmonic valves are split. The distance between the closure of the two valves is longer than normal during inspiration. (Dennis 2019).
One finds a wide split of the 2nd heart sound, for example, in:
- Wide fixed division of the 2nd heart sound:
In this case, there is constant prolongation of the closing sounds of the aortic and pulmonary valves during both inspiration and expiration. This form of splitting can occur in:
With fixed cleavage, sensitivity is 92% and specificity is 65% (Dennis 2019).
- Paradoxical cleavage of the 2nd heart sound:
It represents the opposite of the physiological cleft. In this form, the split disappears during inspiration and is instead auscultated expiratory. It results from a delay in the aortic valve closure tone. Paradoxical splitting is found in:
For paradoxical cleavage, sensitivity is 50% and specificity is 79% (Dennis 2018).
- Narrowly split 2nd heart sound up to singular S2 at:
- Pulmonary arterial hypertension
- Decreasing intensity of A2 and P2 at:
- Widening of A2- P2- interval and lack of inspiratory change at:
- Lengthening of the A2- P2- interval possible by:
- right bundle branch block (causes delayed closure of the pulmonary valve)
- Severe mitral valve regurgitation (due to premature closure of the aortic valve) (Kasper 2015)
3rd heart sound
The 3rd heart sound is a dull, low-frequency soft sound in the mitral valve area that occurs in early diastole (Dennis 2019). It becomes auscultable approximately 0.15 sec after the 2nd heart sound and is an expression of a so-called "diastolic overloading" (Herold 2022).
It may occur in the context:
4th heart sound
The 4th heart sound is low frequency and quiet. It coincides with late diastole and can be auscultated before the 1st heart sound (Herold 2022). It occurs in conditions associated with stiffening of the left ventricle (Dennis 2019).
It is commonly found in:
Rarely, it may occur in the setting of:
Different types of heart sounds
Valve opening sounds: These are caused by a sudden stop in the opening movement of the stuck AV valves and occur with:
- Mitralstenosis as mitral opening tone
- Mitral valve prosthesis as prosthetic opening tone
Tricuspid stenosis (very rarely occurring) as tricuspid opening tone (Herold 2022)
Ejection clicks:
- Aortic ejection click: This is usually heard 40 - 60 msec after M1. It is best auscultated at the apex of the heart. The sound is louder the more mobile the aortic valve is and finally disappears in a highly stenosed, calcified valve. It occurs in a bicuspid aortic valve, valvular aortic stenosis, but not in infravalvular or supravalvular aortic stenosis (Mewis 2006).
- Pulmonary ejection click: This is best auscultated in the area of the left sternal border. It is produced by opening of the pulmonary valve. It disappears during inspiration. Pulmonary ejection click occurs in valvular pulmonary stenosis (Mewis 2006).
This is found, for example, in mitral valve prolapse (Herold 2022). See also Systolic murmur
It includes the interval between 1st heart sound (S1) and the 2nd heart sound (S2).
(Kasper 2015).
Heart murmurs
Cardiac murmurs are caused by a whorl formation. If the whorling goes posteriorly, stenosis occurs; if it goes anteriorly, insufficiency occurs (Herold 2022).
Heart murmurs are characterized by
- the loudness, measured in degrees according to Samuel A. Levine 1933 (Attenhofer Jost 2004 / Hofbeck 2007):
- 1 / 6: Very quiet murmur, which can be auscultated only with difficulty.
- 2 / 6: Quiet, but clearly audible
- 3 / 6: Loud heart murmur without buzzing
- 4 / 6: Loud murmur with murmur
- 5 / 6: Very loud heart murmur, audible immediately after placing the stethoscope on the patient's head
- 6 / 6: Loud murmur which can be heard without stethoscope
- Frequency
- Punctum maximum
- Conduction
- Position in relation to heart sounds
- Palpation of the carotid pulse
- type of sound:
- Decrescendo- (decreasing volume)
- Spindle- (first louder, then softer)
- Band- (continuous)
- Crescendo form (increasingly louder)
(Herold 2022 / Hofbeck 2007)
- duration:
- holosystolic (persistent throughout systole)
- early- or protosystolic
- late or telesystolic
- mid- or mesosystolic
- early or protodiastolic
- late- or teldiastolic
- mid- or mesodiastolic (Haas 2017 / Hofbeck 2007).
Cardiac murmurs include the following murmurs:
- Functional systolic heart murmurs
- Accidental systolic heart murmurs (also known as Still's murmur in infants).
- Barnacle murmur
- Organic murmurs
- Continuous systolic-diastolic murmurs (so-called machine murmurs)
- Diastolic murmurs
- Systolic murmurs
For more details see "Etiology