Heart hump

Last updated on: 03.03.2024

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In the case of a heart hump, there is a protrusion of the anterior thoracic wall (Holldack 2005) to the left of the sternum in the area of the 4th - 6th rib, usually as a sign of a congenital heart defect (Gruber 2019).

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The enlargement of the heart leads to a heart hump (Speer 2009).

In most cases, a sub- or left-sternal heart hump is caused by right ventricular hypertrophy (Kretz 2002). Sometimes sub- or left-thoracic pulsations are visible (Apitz 2002).

The left thoracic heart hump is caused by a strain on the right ventricle or a strain on both ventricles (Apitz 1998). Under physical stress, a cardiac spike is usually visible (Apitz 2002).

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Since the age of pediatric cardiac surgery, it is very rare to see a heart hump (Füeßl 2005).

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A heart hump can occur in the following diseases, for example:

- Ventricular septal defect (Holldeck 2005)

- AVSD (Herold 2022)

In this case, the heart hump develops very quickly (Apitz 2002)

- Tetralogy of Fallot (Füeßl 2010)

- /en/internal-medicine/right-left-shunt-140763" title="Right-left shunt

In this disease, the heart hump usually develops after the age of 1 year (Apitz 2002)

- Truncus arteriosus communis

In this case, a left-sided heart hump only develops after a longer period of time (Apitz 2002).

A heart hump often occurs in combination with the non-rachitic Harrsison's furrow (Boeckel 2022)

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Treatment of the triggering disease.

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  1. Apitz J (1998) Pediatric Cardiology: Diseases of the Heart in Newborns, Infants, Children and Adolescents. Springer Verlag Berlin / Heidelberg 38
  2. Apitz J (2002) Pediatric cardiology: diseases of the heart in newborns, infants, children and adolescents. Springer Verlag Berlin / Heidelberg 42, 358, 368, 438
  3. Boeckel T (2022) Heart hump. Pschyrembel online
  4. Füeßl H S, Middeke M (2010) Anamnesis and clinical examination. Dual series. Georg Thieme Verlag Stuttgart 189
  5. Füeßl H S, Middeke M, Bob A, Bob K (2005) Duale Reihe: Anamnese und klinische Untersuchung. Georg Thieme Publishers Stuttgart 207
  6. Gruber G, Hansch A (2019) Blickdiagnosen Innere Medizin: Vom visuellen Leitsymptom zur Diagnose. Elsevier Urban and Fischer Publishers 198
  7. Herold G et al. (2022) Internal medicine. Herold Publishing House 191
  8. Holldack K et al. (2005) Auscultation and percussion, inspection and palpation. Georg Thieme Publishers 57
  9. Kasper D L, Fauci A S, Hauser S L, Longo D L, Jameson J L, Loscalzo J et al. (2015) Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine. Mc Graw Hill Education
  10. Kretz F J, Beushausen T (2002) Das Kinder Notfall Intensivbuch: Lebensrettendes Know- How. Elsevier Urban und Fischer Verlag 13
  11. Speer C P, Gahr M (2009) Pediatrics. Springer Medizin- Verlag Heidelberg 517

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Last updated on: 03.03.2024