
Last updated on: 28.11.2024

Dieser Artikel auf Deutsch

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G-AEP is the acronym for: German Appropriate Evaluation Protocol. This is a set of criteria used to assess the appropriateness of a hospital stay.

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The G-AEP contains 33 criteria that are used alone or with additional criteria and are divided into 6 categories (A-F). It was defined by the National Association of Health Insurance Funds and the German Hospital Federation.

  • A Severity of illness 11 criteria: Category A contains 11 criteria, of which 2 alone and 9 criteria in combination with a criterion of category B (intensity of treatment) justify hospitalization.
  • B Intensity of treatment 5 criteria: Category B contains criteria on the intensity of treatment. For 4 of these criteria, an additional criterion from category A (severity of illness) is required.
  • C Operation / invasive measure (except emergency measures) 2 criteria: Category C contains operations or invasive measures that also require a criterion from categories A (severity of illness), D (comorbidity), (need for intensive postoperative care) or F (social factors).
  • D Comorbidities in connection with surgery or hospital-specific measures 6 Criteria: Category D criteria refer to comorbidities that justify an inpatient stay in connection with surgery or other hospital-specific measures.
  • E Need for intensive postoperative care in connection with surgery or hospital-specific measures 5 criteria: The criteria in category E are criteria that justify the need for intensive postoperative care.
  • F Social factors that make it impossible to provide immediate medical care to the patient in the event of postoperative complications in connection with surgery or hospital-specific measures, checked and documented -4 criteria: The criteria in category F justify an inpatient stay in connection with surgery or hospital-specific measures. They must be checked and documented by the hospital doctor.

Last updated on: 28.11.2024