
Last updated on: 26.05.2022

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In 1966, Desertenne, the first to describe the condition, suspected that it was caused by electrolyte disturbances in the form of hypokalemia or hypomagnesemia and that it had a bifocal etiology (Lüderitz 1993).

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Electrolytes are salts that are present in ionic form - depending on their electrical charge - as anions or cations and are always dissolved in an aqueous environment (Heintze 2016). Electrolytes are carriers of osmotic pressure (Gründer 2019).

General information
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Electrolytes are always dissolved in body water. The water content is 60% of the bw in men, 50% of the bw in women and 75% of the bw in infants.

Body water is divided into:

  • 1. extracellular fluid (ECF):

This accounts for approximately 20% bw. It includes the

- intravascular fluid (IVF), which represents about 5 % of the bw, and the

- interstitial fluid (ISF), which comprises approximately 15 % bw (Herold 2022).

IVF and ISF are separated by the capillary wall of the blood vessels (Külpmann 1997).

In the ECF, Na +, CL - and bicarbonate (HCO 3 -) are predominantly found. In IVF and ISF, the difference in protein content results in minor ion shifts, whereby, according to the Gibbs- Donnan mechanism, the protein-rich blood plasma contains slightly more Cl - than the

low-protein interstitial fluid (Herold 2022).

  • 2. intracellular fluid (ICF):

The ICF comprises approximately 40% bw. It primarily contains potassium (K +) and phosphate esters (HPO 4 - ). (Herold 2022)

Tasks of electrolytes in general:

  • Triggering of action potentials
  • Buffer function of the plasma
  • Maintenance of balance in the acid-base budget (Founder 2019).

The determination of electrolytes is one of the standard diagnostic procedures in human medicine, since deviations of the normal values on the one hand reflect pathophysiological changes in the organs and on the other hand can also trigger themselves (Gründer 2019).

For some electrolytes, the physiological concentration has only a small range of variation (Gründer 2019).

Classic emergency situations can be triggered by shifts in electrolytes due to, for example:

Throughout the body, dissolved in extracellular and intracellular fluid, electrolytes are found. They include, for example:

1. Na +:

The most important ion of the extracellular space is sodium (Scholz 2013). It regulates the water balance. From there, disturbances of sodium are closely linked to disturbances of water balance (Ziegenfuß 2014). Alterations affect, for example, the renin- angiotensin- aldosterone system (RAAS) (Gründer 2019).

1. 1 Sodium deficiency:

  • Symptoms may be:
    • In slowly developing hyponatremia: asymptomatic.
    • In rapidly developing:
      • Nausea
      • Malaise
      • neurological disorders such as headaches, seizures, drowsiness and even coma (Schoenenberger 2009)
  • Caused by e.g: Cause of hyponatremia is a disturbance in renal water excretion and / or increased intake of water such as found in:
    • severe vomiting
    • diarrhea
    • Kidney disease
    • diuretics (Menche 2020)
    • outpatient colonoscopy (Kluge 2010)

1. 2.Excess sodium:

  • Symptoms can be:
    • Apathy
    • Weakness
    • Seizures
    • Clouding of consciousness up to coma (Schoenenberger 2009)
  • Caused by e.g.:

2. K +:

Potassium is the quantitatively most important cation. Only 2 % is found in the extracellular space, the remaining 98 % is found in the intracellular space. Elimination occurs to about 90 % via the kidney, to about 10 % via the gastrointestinal tract and to a small extent via sweating (Scholz 2013). Disturbances in potassium balance are always closely associated with disturbances in pH regulation (Ziegenfuß 2014).

K + is primarily important for the heart muscle, as it ensures correct repolarization in the cardiomyocytes and also serves to maintain the resting membrane potential. A change in potassium concentration can lead to severe cardiac arrhythmias (Founders 2019).

Alterations affect the renin- angiotensin- aldosterone system (RAAS), for example (Gründer 2019).

2. 1 Potassium deficiency:

  • Symptoms may be:
    • Fatigue
    • Apathy
    • Constipation
    • Rhabdomyolysis
    • Tetany
    • Muscle cramps
    • Muscle weakness up to paralysis with respiratory paralysis (Schoenenberger 2009)
  • Caused by e. g.:

2. 2 Potassium excess:

Excess potassium, which is life-threatening, can practically only occur in the case of massive exogenous potassium intake or due to a lack of elimination of potassium (Schoenenberger 2009).

3. Ca 2 +:

Calcium is the most abundant mineral in the body. (Scholz 2013)

It plays an important role in neuromuscular excitation transmission (Kirschbaum 2008) such as muscle contractions and cardiac contractility (Scholz 2013). It also provides bone strength (Menche 2020).

Calcium (and phosphates), when above the normal range, cause poorly soluble salts that can damage joints (Founder 2019).

3.1 Calcium Deficiency:

3. 2 Calcium excess

  • Symptoms can be:
    • Apathy, somnolence up to coma
    • Vomiting
    • Fatigue
    • Muscle weakness
    • Polyuria
    • Hypertension
    • tachycardia (Schoenenberger 2009)
  • Causes by e. g.:
    • primary hyperparathyroidism
    • in some malignancies such as breast, prostate, bronchial carcinoma, multiple myeloma
    • vitamin D intoxication (Schoenenberger 2009)

4. Mg 2 +:

Magnesium is the most abundant intracellular mineral next to potassium. It has a membrane stabilizing effect and is also required for the influx and efflux of potassium, sodium and calcium into and out of the cell (Scholz 2013).

4. 1 Magnesium deficiency

Due to a deficiency, the parathormone is inhibited. Therefore, a magnesium deficiency is often accompanied by hypocalcemia, fatigue, weakness.

  • Symptoms can be:
    • Fatigue, weakness
    • Anorexia
    • cardiac arrhythmias
    • neuromuscular disorders (Gerok 2007)
  • Possible causes e. g.:

4. 2 Magnesium excess

5. HPO 4 -

Phosphates (and Ca 2+) when above the normal range cause poorly soluble salts that can damage joints (Founder 2019).

5. 1 Phosphate Deficiency:

5. 2 Phosphate excess

  • Symptoms can be:
    • hypocalcemia and extraosseous soft tissue calcification due to formation of poorly soluble calcium-phosphate bonds
    • Pain in the joints (Külpmann 2013).
  • Caused by e. g.:

Electrolytes also include:

  • CL -
  • HCO 3 -
  • SO 4 - (Halwachs- Baumann 2011)
  • Fe 2 +
  • Fe 3 + (Founder 2019)

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The most frequent cause of emergency problems is a derailment of the potassium balance. Problems with calcium and magnesium balance can also cause life-threatening emergencies, but occur much less frequently (Ziegenfuß 2014).

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The uneven distribution of electrolytes in the intracellular or extracellular space creates an electrical voltage, also called electrical potential. The function of muscle and nerve cells is based on the generation of electrical potentials, as are the stimuli from sensory organs, which transmit electrical signals to the brain (Lauber 2017).

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  1. Gerok W, Huber C, Meinertz T, Zeidler H (2007) Internal medicine: reference work for the specialist. Schattauer Verlag Stuttgart / New York 762, 819 - 820.
  2. Founder S, Schlüter K D (2019) Physiology high 2. Elsevier Urban and Fischer Publishers Germany 117.
  3. Halwachs-Baumann, G. (2011). Electrolytes. In: laboratory medicine. Springer Verlag, Vienna 329 - 330
  4. Hartig W, Biesalski H K, Druml W, Fürst P, Weimann A (2004) Nutrition and infusion therapy: standards for hospital, intensive care unit and outpatient clinic. Georg Thieme Verlag Stuttgart 319 - 320
  5. Heintze J Electrolytes. In: Bock, P. (eds) Textbook on experimental physics volume 3: electricity and magnetism. Springer Spektrum, Berlin, Heidelberg. 87 - 101.
  6. Herold G et al (2022) Internal medicine. Herold Publishers 571 - 572
  7. Kasper D L et al (2015) Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine. Mc Graw Hill Education
  8. Kirschbaum C (2008) Biopsychology from A - Z. Springer Medizin Verlag Heidelberg 81
  9. Kluge S (2010) Disturbances of the electrolyte balance. Intensive care and emergency medicine (47) 480
  10. Külpmann W R, Stummvoll H K, Lehmann P (1997) Electrolytes: clinic and laboratory. Springer Verlag Vienna / New York 5 - 6
  11. Külpmann W R, Stummvoll H K, Lehmann P (2013) Clinic and laboratory: electrolytes, acid bases and blood gases. Springer Verlag Vienna / New York 61 - 62
  12. Lauber A (2017) Anatomy, physiology, pathology: cytology, histology, general pathology. Neobooks Publishers 51
  13. Lüderitz B (1993) Therapy of cardiac arrhythmias: guide for clinic and practice. Springer Verlag Berlin / Heidelberg 42
  14. Menche N (2020) Biology, anatomy, physiology. Elsevier Urban und Fischer Verlag Germany 372
  15. Schoenenberger R A Haefeli W E, Schifferli J (2009) Internal emergencies: safely through the acute situation and the subsequent 48 hours. Thieme Verlag chapters 7.2 - 7. 5, 7. 7 - 7.8.
  16. Scholz J, Sefrin P, Böttiger B W, Dörges V, Wenzel V (2013) Disturbances in water and electrolyte balance. Emergency Medicine 240 - 243
  17. Ziegenfuß T (2014) Emergency medicine. Springer Medicine Heidelberg 360

Last updated on: 26.05.2022