Already around 460 B.C. Hippocrates described for the first time a probably polycystic kidney disease. The first comprehensive description is found in 1829 - 1835 by Cruveillhier. In 1899 Steiner pointed out the hereditary nature of cystic nephropathies. In 1934 Marquardt differentiated between two different modes of inheritance and in 1957 a comprehensive monograph on clinic and genetics by Dalgaard was published. In 1971, Blyth and Ockenden comprehensively described the clinical variability of the autosomal recessive and autosomal dominant forms. Just 1 year later, they were able to localize 4 different gene loci for ARPKD. In 1985, the gene was first mapped by Reeders et al. and cloned in 1994 (Ganten 2013). Laurence and Mond reported in 1866 a family with typical symptoms of a Bardet- Biedl- syndrome. Bardet and Biedl independently described in detail the BBS named after them in 1995 (Forsythe 2013).