Bannwarth syndromeA69.2

Last updated on: 29.06.2024

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Garin-Bujadoux-Bannwarth syndrome (meningoradiculoneuritis - see also neuroborreliosis) is the most common manifestation of early, acute Lyme borreliosis in adults in Europe after erythema mig rans. The symptoms of radiculitis develop on average 4-6 weeks (maximum 1-18) after the tick bite or after the erythema migrans. Segmental pain occurs first, which is worse at night and can change its localization. Initially, the pain is often localized in the extremity where the tick bite or erythema migrans was previously observed. The pain has a burning, drilling, biting or tearing character and responds only slightly to conventional analgesics. It often reaches a maximum within a few hours or days.

Last updated on: 29.06.2024