Basically, the PR interval (the time required for the electrical impulse of the sinus node to pass through the atria to the AV node and into the His-Purkinje system to cause ventricular contraction) is prolonged in AV block (Mangi 2022).
- 1st-degree AV- block:
- PQ- time prolonged to > 0.20 sec.
- P- wave may fall into the repolarization wave of the preceding beat if PQ- time is greatly prolonged (Herold 2022).
- 2nd degree AV- block:
- Mobitz I:
- constant PP- time
- with each beat prolongation of the PQ interval until there is no transition (Herold 2022)
- the resulting pause is shorter than a double PP interval (Herold 2022)
- Mobitz II:
- after a preceding P-wave a QRS-complex suddenly fails
- the pause corresponds to a double PP interval
- PQ time is normal or constantly prolonged.
- The AV block can occur sporadically or regularly. In case of regular occurrence, if only 1 of 2 sinus excitations is transmitted, it is called a 2: 1 block; if only 1 of 3 excitations is transmitted, it is called a 3: 1 block (Herold 2022).
- 3rd degree AV block:
- complete dissociation of atrial and ventricular actions
- normal-frequency P waves without relation to the slowed QRS complexes (Herold 2022)
- secondary stimulation centers are AV- nodes and His- bundles, frequency is > 40 / min, ventricular complexes appear narrow
- tertiary stimulation centers of the ventricular myocardium with a frequency < 40 min and ventricular complexes deformed like a leg block (Herold 2022)
Exercise ECG
To distinguish between AV block 2 Mobitz II with a 2: 1 conduction and AV block 2 Mobitz I with failure of every 2nd conduction, the stress ECG is suitable.
In AV block 2 Mobitz I the conduction improves, in AV block 2 Mobitz II the AV conduction worsens in the form of a 3: 1 or 4: 1 block (Herold 2022).
Electrophysiological examination (EPU)
The EPU represents an invasive examination procedure, which also includes the His bundle ECG (HBE) (Haas 2011). The HBE is particularly indicated for further clarification in patients with syncope, v. a. a higher-grade blockage and additionally existing structural heart diseases (Kasper 2015).
His-bundle ECG (HBE):
In HBE, an electrode catheter is placed transvenously directly to the His- bundle (Klinge 2002).
This allows the PQ- time of the conventional ECG to be divided into one before and after the His- bundle:
- 1. supra- His- block (also called intranodal block):
In this case, there is a prolonged AH- interval (time from atrial [A] to His- potential [H]) or failure of H- potential.
- 2. infra- or intra- His- block (infranodal block):
The HV- interval (the time from deflection of the His- bundle potential to the earliest excitation of the ventricular complex [Scriba 2000] is prolonged or there is a total failure of the V- potential (Herold 2022).
- 2nd degree AV block:
- Mobitz I: In the His-bundle ECG, a supra-His conduction delay with increasing prolongation of the AH time leads to a (periodic) failure of a His potential. The standard value of the AH time is 60 - 120 msec (Herold 2022).
- Mobitz II: This is an infra-His conduction delay with a prolonged HV interval. To transfer the excitation to the His bundle, the AV area needs more than 1 impulse, i.e. several P waves can precede the QRS complex (Michels 2010). The AH interval is normal (Herold 2022).