Image diagnoses for "Torso", "Skin defects (superficially, deep)"
25 results with 43 images
Results forTorsoSkin defects (superficially, deep)

Artifacts L98.1

Pyoderma gangraenosum L88
Pyoderma gangaenosum : Chronic, since more than 1 year progressive, large, flat, barely purulent ulcer with rounded, raised edges; sequence of images under immunosuppressive therapy in a six-month period

Lymphomatoids papulose C86.6
Lymphomatoid papulosis; small pea-sized submammary nodules persisting for about 10 days; relapsing episode; recurrent course for 5 years.

Basal cell carcinoma ulcerated C44.L
Basal cell carcinoma ulcerated: painless plaque on the trunk that has been present for a long time and is slowly growing; for about 3 months constant weeping and crust formation.

Collagenosis reactive perforating L87.1

Acne conglobata L70.1
Acne conglobata: Con dition after extensive healing of an acute flare of acne conglobata; the aggregated, abscessed acne florescences are still recognizable by the red scars visible here.

Pemphigus vulgaris L10.0
Pemphigus vulgaris. multiple, chronic, since 3 years intermittent, symmetric, trunk-accentuated, easily injured, flaccid, 0.2-3.0 cm large, red blisters confluent to larger, weeping and crusty areas. infestation of the oral mucosa.

Shingles B02.7
Zoster generalisatus (with drug-induced immunosuppression): For 5 days increasing redness and swelling of the skin with stabbing, shooting pain. extensive erythema, blisters, scaly crusts and swelling. > 25 blisters beyond the segmental infestation.

Lymphomatoids papulose C86.6
Lymphomatoid papulosis: Painless, flat papules and nodules with central scaling and crust formation, appearing intermittently for more than 1 year, 0.3 - 1.2 cm in size. 45-year-old otherwise healthy male.

Toxic epidermal necrolysis L51.2
Toxic epidermal necrolysis. detailed picture: The 67-year-old female patient developed multiple, acute, disseminated, sharply demarcated, partly confluent, soft, skin-coloured blisters on a flat erythema on the entire integument within a few days. In case of persistent fever, antibiotic therapy was initiated.

Collagenosis reactive perforating L87.1
Collagenosis, reactive perforating. 12 monthsago for the first time appeared itchy papules of different size with central depression and hyperkeratotic plug.

Artifacts L98.1
artifacts. few partially excoriated papules in the sense of scratch artifacts on the breasts of a 35-year-old woman. the patient denies the artifact component. rapid healing under bandages (diagnostically almost proving artificial mechanism).

Sézary syndrome C84.1
Sézary syndrome: severe final febrile developmental stage. universal redness of the skin with extensive skin detachment. generalized lymphadenopathy, leukemic lymphocytic (CD4+) blood count (75-year-old female patient.

Shingles B02.7

Collagenosis reactive perforating L87.1
Collagenosis, reactive perforating. 12-month-old female patient: Itchy papules with a central depression and a hyperkeratotic clot on the upper back and the upper arm extensor sides.

Toxic epidermal necrolysis L51.2
Toxic epidermal necrolysis: Large, superficial, towel-like detachment of the skin after ingestion of allopurinol.

Prurigo gestationis O99.75
Prurigo gestationis: 32-year-old female patient in the 6th month of pregnancy with increasing, severe itching, pruriginous rash; fresh effglorescence is not detectable, only scratched papules.

Pemphigus vulgaris L10.0
pemphigus vulgaris: recurrent clinical picture for months. superficially, weeping, non-detachable (because painful) crusts are found on weeping surfaces. no clinically detectable blisters. at the same time, extensive erosions of the oral mucosa. on searching inspection of the skin, very isolated, easily injured (immediately bursting) blisters can be found (here in this picture on the patient's left shoulder)

Incineration T30.0
Burns: severe fourth-degree burns on the buttocks of a 23-year-old woman after gynaecological surgery with electrocautery application with incorrectly attached neutral electrode and moist pad.