Contact urticaria L50.60

Urticaria (overview) L50.8
Acute urticaria: Acute exanthema with multiple, disseminated red wheals, which in places flow together to form large areas, are flatly elevated and itchy.

Urticaria (overview) L50.8
urticaria chronic spontaneous: multiple, chronically recurrent, reddish, partly confluent wheals, with peripheral vasoconstriction zone. severe itching. no scaling. note: the single episode lasts a maximum of 8-12 hours (detectable by marking test).

Urticaria (overview) L50.8
urticaria chronic spontaneous: multiple, chronically recurrent, reddish, sometimes confluent wheals. severe itching. no scaling. note: the single spot lasts a maximum of 8-12 hours (detectable by marking test).

Urticaria chronic spontaneous L50.8
Urticaria chronic spontaneous: chronically recurrent clinical picture, confluent wheals form in a map-like manner.

Urticaria (overview) L50.8
urticaria chronic spontaneous: multiple, chronically recurrent, reddish, confluent wheals. severe itching. no scaling. note: the single episode lasts a maximum of 8-12 hours (detectable by marking test).

Urticaria (overview) L50.8
Urticaria: Acute clinical picture with multiple, disseminated, predominantly large (> 10 cm), flatly elevated, severely itching, smooth red wheals localized on the trunk and extremities.

Urticaria (overview) L50.8
Urticaria chronic spontaneous: relapsing clinical picture with multiple, acute, reddish, confluent wheals; severe itching; no scaling; remark: the single episode lasts 8-12 hours maximum (detectable by marking test); additional findings: numerous melanocytic nevi.

Light urticaria L56.3

Hypereosinophilic dermatitis D72.1
Dermatitis hypereosinophilic: a severely itchy, rather discreet, locally urticarial exanthema that has been present for months.

Urticaria (overview) L50.8
Urticaria cholinergic: small wheals in the area of the trunk after physical exertion.

Schnitzler syndrome L53.86
Schnitzler syndrome: with recurrent febrile attacks, only moderately itchy, urticarial exanthema; further exhaustion and fatigue; IgM paraproteinemia.

Insect bites (overview) T14.0
Insect bites: urticarial, highly itchy inflammatory reaction of the skin immediately after the bite; pronounced edema with distinct depression of the follicles.

Urticaria (overview) L50.8
Urticaria chronic spontaneous: multiple, chronically recurrent, reddish wheals confluent to larger areas. severe itching. no scaling. note: the single spot lasts a maximum of 8-12 hours (detectable by marking test).

Urticaria (overview) L50.8
Acute urticaria, acute exanthema with multiple, disseminated, flat-elevated, intensely itching red wheals.

Urticaria chronic spontaneous L50.8
urticaria, chronic. multiple, chronically recurrent, reddish, partly confluent, volatile wheals, possibly with reflex erythema and central pallor. severe itching or burning. no epidermal involvement.