PEP. massive itching, disseminated urticarial papules and plaques. the "red" tone of the efflorescences, so distinct in white skin, is hardly visible in dark skin.
Dermatitis herpetiformis: Multiple, prickly, itchy, scratched excoriations in a 35-year-old female patient; the disease has existed for about 1 year with intermittent course.
Varicella: generalized exanthema with juxtaposition of vesicles, papules, papulopustules in the area of the trunk. varicella. juxtaposition of pinhead to lenticular sized, intact and ulcerated vesicles, papules, papulopustules. image of the so-called Heubner star map.
Herpes simplex recidivans: in loco recurrent herpes simplex. Fig.from Eiko E. Petersen, Colour Atlas of Vulva Diseases. with permission of Kaymogyn GmbH Freiburg.5.040_Herpes glutäaliscopy2.jpg
Dermatitis herpetiformis. detailed view of several, chronically active, disseminated papules, red spots and vesicles localized at the integument and accompanied by severe pruritus. characteristic is the occurrence of different types of efflorescence. similar skin lesions are also found gluteal and on both thighs.
Pemphigoid, bullous. bulging, 0.4-1.2 cm large blisters on the buttocks of a 44-year-old man. In the picture on the right side an older blister is visible whose bladder cover has detached.
dermatitis herpetiformis: chronic recurrent course of the disease. disseminated, burning, itchy, urticarial papules, papulo-vesicles and erosions. lesions are aggregated to larger plaques. p. detail images.
Dermatitis solaris: extensive, succulent, painful erythema in a 25-year-old man with skin type II, clearly marked on sunlight-exposed areas, preceded by several hours of sun exposure.
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