Image diagnoses for "Skin depressions", "skin-colored", "Scalp (hairy)"
3 results with 6 images
Results forSkin depressionsskin-coloredScalp (hairy)

Aplasia cutis congenita (overview) Q84.81
Aplasia cutis congenita. a sharply defined, whitish-yellowish, shallowly sunken, hairless area with atrophic, parchment-like skin surface, existing since birth. on incident light microscopy any follicular structures are missing.

Aplasia cutis congenita (overview) Q84.81
Aplasia cutis congenita. detail magnification: Classically specular, slightly sunken, light yellow macula with smooth surface. in the marginal area, in the lower left picture, a smaller area with tufted hairs is visible.

Aplasia cutis congenita (overview) Q84.81
Aplasia cutis congenita. general view: 1.5 x 1.2 cm in size, hairless, slightly sunken, yellowish-whitish area with shiny surface, existing since birth, unchanged for years except for size increase during physical growth.

Acne conglobata L70.1
Acne conglobata: symmetrically distributed, eminently chronic, inflammatory and melting papules and pustules as well as strong, retracted scar formation, with retention fluctuating in places.

Aplasia cutis congenita (overview) Q84.81
Aplasia cutis congenita. 8.0 x 6.0 cm, yellowish-white alopecic focus with shiny surface, existing since birth, unchanged for years except for size increase during physical growth.

Scrotal and vulval angiosclerosis D23.9
Angiokeratoma of the glans penis. multiple, chronically stationary, 0.2-0.4 cm large, blue-red to brownish papules with partly smooth, partly scaly surface in the area of the corona glandis. these are congenital, circumscribed vascular ectasias.