Image diagnoses for "Plaque (raised surface > 1cm)", "red"
423 results with 1871 images
Results forPlaque (raised surface > 1cm)red

Atopic dermatitis (overview) L20.-
Eczema atopic (overview): severe, universal (erythrodermic) atopic eczema. exacerbation phase since about 3 months. patient with rhinitis and conjunctivitis with pollinosis. total IgE >1.000IU.

Ilven Q82.5
ILVEN: 5-year-old girl in whom flat and linear plaques in a characteristic arrangement along the Blaschko lines were noticed since the first year of life (not detectable at birth). This bizarre pattern marks the changes as a cutaneous mosaic and thus as a harmlessoma of the skin. For half a year the inflammatory character has been increasing.

Pemphigus chronicus benignus familiaris Q82.8
Pemphigus chronicus benignus familiaris: Chronic dynamic (changing course), smearily covered, sharply defined, red, rough plaque with multiple erosions that become gaping and streaky when stretched (accordion phenomenon).

Atopic dermatitis (overview) L20.-
Extrinsic atopiceczema: eminently chronic, somewhat asymmetrical eczema with blurred, itchy, red, rough, flat plaques. known (only slightly pronounced) rhinoconjunctivitis allergica. I.A. variable course with activity spurts ("overnight"). IgE normal. no atopic FA.

Psoriasis arthropathica L40.50

Seborrheic dermatitis of adults L21.9
dermatitis, seborrhoeic: 58-year-old patient with negative self- and family history of psoriasis. recurrent HV in the seboohoeic zones of the trunk for years. no itching. improvement in summer. multiple, chronically inpatient, figured, borderline, temporarily itching, moderately scaly, clearly borderline hardly elevated plaques.

Toxic epidermal necrolysis L51.2
Toxic epidermal necrolysis: extensive, painful reddening of the palm with blistering.

Urticaria vasculitis M31.8
Urticarial vasculitis. 33-year-old female patient with distinct reduction of the az. 3 weeks of recurrent febrile attacks (CRP and SPA massively increased) and a distinct feeling of illness accompanied by a maculo-papular, moderately itchy exanthema. Histological: Evidence of a leukocytoclastic "small vessel vasculitis". The clinical differentiation from urticaria is possible by marking a persistent efflorescence for several days (marking test). Recurrent and changing arthritis.

Fixed drug eruption L27.1
Drug reaction fixe: multilocular FA with incipient epidermolysis on sharply defined plaques on the back of the hand and fingers.

Cheilitis glandularis purulenta superficialis K13.0
Severe chronic glandular cheilitis under vemurafenib therapy.

Chemical peeling

Tinea inguinalis B35.6
Tinea inguinalis. solitary, chronically dynamic, continuously growing for 8 weeks, palm-sized, red, sharply defined, itchy plaque with inflammatory, follicularly bound papules in the groin area.

Lupus erythematosus systemic M32.9
Systemic lupus erythematosus: flat, localized, moderately sharply defined, symmetrical, moderately consistent, non-scaling red plaques.
Typical - butterfly pattern - with free perioral triangle. Bridge of nose, lips (chronic cheilitis) are also affected. Furthermore: Raynaud's phenomenon; disturbance of the AZ, arthralgia.

Lupus erythematodes chronicus discoides L93.0
Chronic cheilitis in lupus erythematosus chronicus discoides. Chronically active, red, hyperesthetic plaques with adherent scaly deposits on the red of the upper and lower lip.

Atopic dermatitis (overview) L20.-
Eczema atopic (overview): relapsing-active, itchy, dyshidrotic eczema with numerous vesicles and bases as well as coarse leaf scaling.