Image diagnoses for "Palm", "Plaque (raised surface > 1cm)"
49 results with 116 images
Results forPalmPlaque (raised surface > 1cm)

Nevus verrucosus Q82.5
Naevus verrucosus (detailed picture) striped arrangement of yellow-brownish papules and plaques.

Toxic epidermal necrolysis L51.2
Toxic epidermal necrolysis: extensive, painful reddening of the palm with blistering.

Melanoma acrolentiginous C43.7 / C43.7

Keratosis palmoplantaris diffusa with mutations in KRT 9 Q82.8
Keratosis palmoplantaris diffusa circumscripta: Thick, waxy, yellowish, plate-like horny layer which covers the entire palm of the hand and also the sole of the foot. The mobility of the hands is restricted. Characteristically, the red seam of the affected groin skin shown here separates the infected skin from unaffected field skin.

Atopic dermatitis (overview) L20.-
Eczema atopic (overview): relapsing-active, itchy, dyshidrotic eczema with numerous vesicles and bases as well as coarse leaf scaling.

Psoriasis palmaris et plantaris (overview) L40.3
Psoriasis palmaris: dry keratotic plaque type, chronic flat hyperkeratosis that has led to a considerable restriction of hand movement.

Hand and foot eczema, hyperkeratotic-rhagadiformes L24.9

Contact dermatitis toxic L24.-
contact dermatitis, toxic: overview picture: hyperkeratotic-rhagadiform eczema of the Palma in a 61-year-old, self-employed craftsman. for a long time eczema of the hands and fingers occurred again and again, partly also deep rhagades. occupationally there has been contact with tin-containing analogue paste (tin-containing soldering paste) for a long time. the temporal connection of the first manifestation with the use of the paste is given. on weekends the eczema heals very well, likewise it comes to complete remission during longer work-free intervals (holidays).

Bowen's disease D04.9
Bowen's disease: chronically stationary, slowly increasing in area and thickness, sharply defined, now clearly (knot formation), symptom-free, red, rough, sometimes scaly and crusty plaque on the palm of the hand.

Dyskeratosis follicularis Q82.8
Dyskeratosis follicularis: Infestation of the palms of the hands; in central areas of the palm flat, common keratoses, at the ball of the thumb about 0.1-0.2 cm large, glassy papules.

Keratosis palmoplantaris diffusa with mutations in KRT 9 Q82.8
Keratosis palmoplantaris diffusa circumscripta: Thick, waxy, yellowish, plate-like horny layer that covers the entire palm of the hand and also the sole of the foot; the mobility of the hands is restricted.

Keratosis palmoplantaris diffusa with mutation in keratin 1 Q82.8
Keratosis extremitatum hereditaria transgrediens et progrediens.

Lichen planus (overview) L43.-
Lichen planus classic type: unusual infestation of the palms with itchy, red, in places confluent, smooth, shiny papules and plaques.

Hand and foot eczema, hyperkeratotic-rhagadiformes L24.9

Psoriasis palmaris et plantaris (plaque type) L40.3
psoriasis palmaris et plantaris (plaque type): chronic inpatient type. deeply drawn hand lines. there is a risk of rhagade formation here. oval encircles the sharp marking zone to the wrist. arrows mark the edges of the psoriatic plaques.

Sézary syndrome C84.1
Sézary-Syndrome. pat. as above. symmetric, flat, hyperkeratosis at the same time with development of erythroderma

Skabies B86
Scabies: long-term untreated, only moderately itchy scabies, with infestation of the entire integument. eczematous, pyodermic skin lesions on the fingers. remark: clear neglect of the patient

Psoriasis palmaris et plantaris (overview) L40.3
Psoriasis palmo-plantaris. dry keratotic plaque type (only little successful pre-treatment) with sharply limited (typical is the sharp limitation to the field skin of the wrists, distinction to chronic hand eczema). painful rhagades in the skin tension lines (see ball of the hand).