Image diagnoses for "Neck", "Nodule (<1cm)", "red"
17 results with 23 images
Results forNeckNodule (<1cm)red

Keloid (overview) L91.0
Keloid: temporarily painful scar keloid that has existed for several months, following the excision of an epithelial cyst.

Squamous cell carcinoma of the skin C44.-
Squamous cell carcinoma of the skin: large, fast-growing, painless, flat ulcerated lump, not displaceable over the base.

Carcinoma of the skin (overview) C44.L
Carcinoma kutanes: Advanced, flat ulcerated squamous cell carcinoma.

Carcinoma of the skin (overview) C44.L
Cutaneous carcinoma: a lump in actinically damaged skin that has grown within half a year and cannot be moved on the underlying surface.

Cutaneous lymphoma large cell (cd30-negative) C84.4

Hidradenoma nodular D23.L
Hidradenoma, nodular tumor, clearly superior to the skin level with focal bleeding at the base, behind the auricle.

Infant haemangioma (overview) D18.01

Skin metastases C79.8
Skin metastasis: Metastasis of a previously known squamous cell carcinoma of the floor of the mouth.

Infant haemangioma (overview) D18.01

Squamous cell carcinoma of the skin C44.-
Squamous cell carcinoma of the skin: large, painless, flat ulcerated lump, still movable above the base.

Borrelia lymphocytoma L98.8
Lymphadenosis cutis benigna. symptomless, solitary, soft, brown-red, dome-shaped bulging, blurredly limited nodules. smooth surface. unattractive environment.

Acne keloidalis nuchae L73.0
Acne keloidalis nuchae: multiple, solitary or confluent, follicular light red papules, pustules and nodules, some of which are pierced by terminal hairs

Carcinoma of the skin (overview) C44.L
Carcinoma kutanes: Advanced, flat ulcerated squamous cell carcinoma.