Image diagnoses for "Lip region", "Bubble/Blister", "yellow"
2 results with 7 images
Results forLip regionBubble/Blisteryellow

Herpes simplex virus infections B00.1
Herpes simplex virus infection. two adjacent foci on the lower lip and chin respectively. classic clinical finding with acute, itchy, herpetiform grouped, sometimes confluent raised areas (blisters) on a slightly reddened background.

Herpes simplex virus infections B00.1
Herpes simplex labialis (secondary bacterial infection). acute, itchy, also painfully burning, typically herpetiform grouped, partly confluent pustules with yellowish crusts. swelling of the cervical lymph nodes.

Herpes simplex labialis B00.1
Herpes simplex virus infection. two adjacent foci on the lower lip and chin respectively. classic clinical finding with acute, itchy, herpetiform grouped, sometimes confluent blisters and pustules.

Herpes simplex virus infections B00.1
Herpes simplex virus infection (massive bacerial secondary infection) Large-scale herpes simplex infection (initial infection) with bacterial superinfection in the facial area of a 4-year-old girl.

Herpes simplex virus infections B00.1
Herpes simplex virus infection: severe and extensive, multifocal herpes simplex infection of the lower lip with pronounced collateral swelling; underlying HIV infection

Herpes simplex virus infections B00.1
Herpes simplex virus infection: Extensive herpes simplex infection of the lower lip with pronounced collateral swelling

Herpes simplex virus infections B00.1
Herpes simplex virus infection: Extensive herpes simplex infection of the lower lip with pronounced collateral swelling