Image diagnoses for "Lip region", "Macule", "red"
5 results with 9 images
Results forLip regionMaculered

Perioral dermatitis L71.0
Dermatitis perioralis, granulomatous type. multiple, chronically dynamic, continuously increasing for 3 months, periorally localized, disseminated, follicular, firm, itching and burning, red, rough, scaly papules, pustules and plaques. months of pre-treatment with corticoid ointments!

Dermatomyositis (overview) M33.-
dermatomyositis. chronic stationary, flat, red, "heliotropic" exanthema. typical pronounced periorbital paleness. general fatigue, muscle weakness.

Perioral dermatitis L71.0

Perioral dermatitis L71.0
Dermatitis perioralis. periorally localized, large red spots, smallest follicular vesicles and papules. perioral dermatitis is characterized by an inflammation-free zone immediately adjacent to the red of the lips. 21-year-old woman with several months of therapy with an extemporaneous formulation containing glucorticoids.

Perioral dermatitis L71.0
Dermatitis perioralis. perioral localized, flat redness (compare the surrounding normal skin), follicular papules and individual pustules. clinical picture in a 22-year-old Ethiopian woman after several months of therapy with a glucocrticoid ointment.

Ecchymoses R23.3

Perioral dermatitis L71.0

Ecchymosis syndrome, painful R23.8
Ecchymosis syndrome, painful. intermittent manifestation of painful skin bleeding in a 52-year-old manic-depressive woman. Initial development of edematous, overheated, pressure-sensitive erythema, followed by development of bleeding and slow expansion of the skin changes.