Image diagnoses for "Nodule (<1cm)", "yellow", "Leg/Foot"
6 results with 7 images
Results forNodule (<1cm)yellowLeg/Foot

Collagenosis reactive perforating L87.1
Collagenosis, reactive perforating. 12-month-old female patient with hyperkeratotic clot in the left foot of an 80-year-old female patient.

Collagenosis reactive perforating L87.1
Collagenosis, reactive perforating. 12-month-old female patient: Red, solitary, partly confluent, itchy, coarse papules with hyperkeratotic clot on the right lower leg of an 80-year-old female patient.

Melanoma amelanotic C43.L
melanoma malignes amelanotic: since earliest childhood a pigment mark is known at this site. continuous growth for several years. ulceration of the node for half a year. no significant symptoms. the diagnosis cannot be made on the basis of the clinical picture.