Teleangiectasia syndrome naevoides: A blurred redness of finest telangiectasia on the lower leg and foot of a 44-year-old woman that has existed for many years.
Erysipelas bullöses: extensive, sharply defined, painful redness and plaque formation in the area of the lower leg. entrance portal: macerated tinea pedum. secondary findings include fever and chills, lymphangitis and lymphadenitis.
Erythema chronicum migrans. 3-month-old findings are shown here. 10 days after tick bite on the right upper arm of a forester a roundish-oval, disc-shaped, sharply edged, centrally blistering, livid red erythema developed which slowly expanded centrifugally.
Vasculitis leukocytoclastic (non-IgA-associated): multiple, since 1 week existing, on both legs symmetrically localized, irregularly distributed, 0.1-0.2 cm large, confluent in places, symptomless, red, smooth spots (not compressible).
Erythromelalgia. seizure-like, painful, hyperemic, reddened and swollen skin of the hands and feet with increased sensitivity to heat. there is burning pain and oedema.
Purpura pigmentosa progressiva. incident light microscopy, blurred, yellow-brownish spots (star), in addition to punctiform, fresh bleeding (horizontal arrow) also older brown-reddish spots already in decomposition (vertical arrow). line pattern: traced skin line pattern of the skin of the lower leg
Erythema chronicum migrans: about 2-3 months old with slow peripheral expansion; painless, non-itching, circular erythema which is well distinguishable from normal skin; the bite is still centrally visible.
Purpura thrombocytopenic: Hemorrhagic spots with a tendency to confluence, existing on both lower legs with emphasis on the extensor sides. It is a drug-induced form of a thrombotic- thrombocytopenic purpura with hemolytic microangiopathic anemia and central nervous failure symptoms. The trigger was the ingestion of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Sudden onset with fever, disorientation, stupor.
Vasculitis leukocytoclastic (non-IgA-associated): multiple, for about 10 days existing, localized on both lower legs, irregularly distributed, 0.1-0.2 cm large, confluent in places, symptomless, red, smooth spots (not compressible).
Spider veins. Multiple, radially spread, radiating vascular dilatations of different calibre, partly in the skin level, without symptoms, persisting for several years, as if drawn with a thin pencil, located at the level of the skin, on the integument of a 77-year-old female patient. In the centre confluence of the filigree vascular strands to a bluish red spot.
Vasculitis, leukocytoclastic (non-IgA-associated). multiple, acute, symmetric, since 2 weeks existing, localized on both lower legs, irregularly distributed, 0.1-0.2 cm large, sharply defined, symptomless, hemorrhagic spots and blisters as well as beginning incrustations.
Klippel-Trénaunay syndrome: extensive vascular malformation with extensive nevus flammeus affecting the trunk, the right arm and both legs. No evidence of soft tissue hypertrophy so far. No AV fistulas.
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