Image diagnoses for "Leg/Foot"
393 results with 1154 images
Results forLeg/Foot

Circumscribed scleroderma L94.0
Circumscribed scleroderma (linear type) "Burnt out" linear scleroderma with blurred, clearly indurated, whitish atrophic plaques without any signs of inflammation; apart from a slight feeling of tension no other subjective symptoms.

Lichen planus exanthematicus L43.81
Lichen planus exanthematicus: since 2 months persistent, itchy, generalized, dense rash with emphasis on trunk and extremities (face not affected). here formation of large reddish PLaques. in the marginal area the plaques dissolve into papules. the typical shine of the Lichen planus efflorescence is very well visible.

Cutaneous t-cell lymphomas C84.8
Lymphoma cutaneous T cell lymphoma: primarily cutaneous aggressive epidermotropic CD8+ T cell lymphoma with multiple purple plaques.

Lymphedema (overview) I89.00
Lymphedema: chronic lymphedema with complicative onychomycosis; positive Stemmersches sign with bulging transverse folds over the 2nd toe.

Granuloma anulare disseminatum L92.0
Granuloma anulare disseminatum: anular plaque. partial manifestation on the left lower leg. non-painful, non-itching, disseminated, large-area plaques that appeared on the trunk and extremities of a 65-year-old patient. no diabetes mellitus. no other systemic diseases known.

Keratosis pilaris Q80.0
Keratosis follicularis (pilaris): Inflammatory, follicularly bound horny papules on the lower leg

Erythema multiforme, minus-type L51.0
Erythema multiforme: multiple red plaques with central blistering, the lesions are confluent on the left and right edge of the image.

Erythema multiforme, minus-type L51.0
Erythema multiforme: suddenly occurring, itchy, disseminated exanthema with cocard-like plaques which has been present for 4 days. here the finding on the lower leg. striated arrangement after external stimulus. s. isomorphism (Koebner phenomenon).

Prurigo simplex subacuta L28.2
Prurigo simplex subacuta:disseminated scratched, eroded or ulcerated nodules and nodules; severe interval-like itching, piercing and painful.

Primary cutaneous marginal zone lymphoma C85.1
Primary cutaneous marginal zone lymphoma: localized red (surface smooth) plaque with circulatory margins, known for several months and only moderately consistent, no evidence of systemic involvement.