Image diagnoses for "Plaque (raised surface > 1cm)", "Ear", "red"
8 results with 14 images
Results forPlaque (raised surface > 1cm)Earred

Lupus erythematodes chronicus discoides L93.0
Lupus erythematodes chronicus discoides: blurred, red and brown, partly slightly scaly, partly verrucous superimposed, hypersensitive plaques.

Granuloma fissuratum D23.L6

Lupus erythematodes chronicus discoides L93.0
Lupus erythematodes chronicus discoides: blurred, red and brown, partly scaly and crusty, hypersensitive plaque.

Atopic dermatitis (overview) L20.-
Eczema, atopic. 18-year-old female patient with recurrent retroauricular, strongly itchy, reddish, scaly patches, plaques and rhagades for several years. Multiple immediate type sensitizations exist in case of a positive family history.

Atopic dermatitis (overview) L20.-
Eczema, atopic (impetiginized earlobe rhagade): In the 10-year-old female patient, this itchy, weeping, reddish, plaque and rhagade has recurred repeatedly for several years; there are multiple immediate type sensitizations with a positive atopic family history.

Granuloma fissuratum D23.L6

Lupus erythematodes chronicus discoides L93.0
Lupus erythematodes chronicus discoides: blurred, red and brown, partly scaly and crusty, hypersensitive plaque.

Atopic dermatitis (overview) L20.-
Eczema atopic in childhood: impetiginized (detection of Staphylococcus aureus) chronic auricular rash in an 8-year-old boy with previously known atopic eczema; furthermore: seasonal atopic rhinitis and conjunctivitis.