Image diagnoses for "Arm/Hand"
321 results with 731 images
Results forArm/Hand

Polymorphic light eruption L56.4
Light dermatosis, polymorphic: multiple, itchy, papules, occasionally also vesicles with simultaneous swelling of the back of the hand

Lipoid proteinosis E78.8
hyalinosis cutis et mucosae: same patient 7 years later. warty, scaly plaques on both elbows. no itching. fleshy consistency increase.

Erythema nodosum L52.0
Erythema nodosum (affection of the upper and lower extremities): acute, multiple inflammatory, painful, clearly consistency increased plaques and nodules; accompanying arthritis of the right ankle joint.

Nontuberculous Mycobacterioses (overview) A31.9
Mycobacterioses, atypical. swimming pool granulomas: In a period of 6-8 months development of painless, partly ulcerated and crusty red nodules along the lymphatic pathways on the hand and forearm.

Vasculitis leukocytoclastic (non-iga-associated) D69.0; M31.0
Vasculitis, leukocytoclastic (non-IgA-associated). multiple, petechial haemorrhages and haemorrhagic filled blisters in the area of the back of the hand and finger extensor sides. severe feeling of illness persists.

Squamous cell carcinoma of the skin C44.-
Squamous cell carcinoma of the skin: slowly growing, painless, broad-based nodule that has been wetting for several weeks.

Psoriatic arthritis L40.5
Arthritis, psoriatic. solitary or multiple, chronically dynamic, recurrent, salty arthritis, especially of the small finger joints with erythematous, severe swelling and pain (sausage fingers). joint infestation ?in the beam?. usually also typical psoriatic lesions at the predilection sites.

Purpura senilis D69.2
Purpura senilis: General view: Multiple, different ages, extensive bleeding into the skin on the left forearm of a 78-year-old man.

Graft-versus-host disease L99.1/L99.2
Graft-versus-Host-Disease: brownish pigmented, partly also scleroderma-like skin changes in the area of the forearm and hand, approx. 6 months after bone marrow transplantation.

Sarcoidosis of the skin D86.3
Sarcoidosis: chronic sarcoidosis without detectable organ involvement. Two to 1.5 cm large, anular, completely symptom-free, brown-red plaques with a smooth surface. The distribution pattern on the back of the hand is random.

Nevus lipomatosus cutaneus superficialis D23.L
nevus lipomatodes cutaneus superficialis. solitary, sponge-like soft, to the side well delimitable, broad-based, lobed, nodular elevation above an old scar after partial excision on the flank of a 25-year-old man. the lesion already existed at birth, appeared slowly during the first years of life and has a clearly elevated character since puberty. an area growth occurred only due to the increasing body growth. 5 years ago first surgery of about 2/3 of the lesion.

Nummular dermatitis L30.0
Nummular dermatitis: chronic, for 8 weeks existing, localized on the back of the hand, approx. 6 cm in size, reddish, raised, partly eroded, partly crusty plaques in a 47-year-old man; no evidence of psoriasis vulgaris or atopic diathesis.

Melanosis neurocutanea Q03.8
Melanosis neurocutanea, detailed picture with multiple, sharply defined, pigmented, black spots and plaques.

Parapsoriasis en plaques large L41.4
Parapsoriasis en plaques, large-heart form: a few months after pregnancy, the 39-year-old patient noticed these flat, brownish, blurred plaques on the upper arm.

Lymphomatoids papulose C86.6
Lymphomatoid papulosis: intermittent, painless, papules and nodules with central hemorrhagic-necrotizing transformation.

Cutaneous mastocytoma Q82.2
Multiple mastocytoma: disseminated, flat brownish reddish, itchy, smooth patches and plaques on the right foot or lower leg of a 4-month-old boy; the intact surface pattern of the field skin over the lesioned skin is shown in the inlet.

Acrodermatitis continua suppurativa L40.2
Acrodermatitis continua suppurativa, typical clinical picture. psoriasis known for many years. picture of acrodermatitis continua suppurativa continuously progressive for 1 year.