Image diagnoses for "Torso"
551 results with 2173 images
Results forTorso

Acrokeratosis paraneoplastic L85.1
Acrokeratosis paraneoplastic: the thoracic view shows disseminated, yellowish-brownish keratotic plaques, which condense in the area of the Areolae mamillae as well as centrothoracally in the sternal region; in the sternal region aspect of the seborrhoeic eczema (but the inflammatory component is missing).

Skabies B86
Scabies in a 3-year-old boy: since several months existing, massively itching, generalized clinical picture, with disseminated scaly papules and plaques; also linear formations.

Blue nevus D22.-
Blue nevus: Large blue nevus (so-called Mongolian spot) with a deep dark melanocytic nevus.

Nevus verrucosus Q82.5
Naevus verrucosus unius lateralis: multiple, chronically inpatient plaques, existing since birth, clearly raised, large-area, running along the Blaschko lines, firm, symptomless, grey-brown, rough, wart-like plaques.

Atopic dermatitis (overview) L20.-
Eczema atopic (overview): severe, universal (erythrodermic) atopic eczema. exacerbation phase since about 3 months. patient with rhinitis and conjunctivitis with pollinosis. total IgE >1.000IU.

Urticaria (overview) L50.8
Angioedema: idiopathic, acute and for the first time opened angioedema with massive swelling of the upper and lower eyelids.

Mononucleosis infectious B27.9

Ilven Q82.5
ILVEN: 5-year-old girl in whom flat and linear plaques in a characteristic arrangement along the Blaschko lines were noticed since the first year of life (not detectable at birth). This bizarre pattern marks the changes as a cutaneous mosaic and thus as a harmlessoma of the skin. For half a year the inflammatory character has been increasing.

Vascular malformations Q28.88
Malformation vascular (subcutaneous lymphangioma cavernosum):7.0 x 6.0 cm, soft, elastic (sponge-like), skin-coloured swelling in the area of the clavicle and the base of the neck in a 6-year-old girl, which was noticed for thefirst timein the 1st LJ and grew along with the remaining body proportions. No subjective symptoms. In the ultrasound Doppler examination, a low-echo structure, well defined to the base, becomes visible. Flux phenomena are not detectable.

Atopic dermatitis (overview) L20.-
Extrinsic atopiceczema: eminently chronic, somewhat asymmetrical eczema with blurred, itchy, red, rough, flat plaques. known (only slightly pronounced) rhinoconjunctivitis allergica. I.A. variable course with activity spurts ("overnight"). IgE normal. no atopic FA.

Circumscribed scleroderma L94.0
Generalized circumscribed scleroderma: large-area evenly indurated sclerosis of the skin, skin with a shiny, reflective surface.

Nevus melanocytic halo-nevus D22.L

Pityriasis lichenoides (et varioliformis) acuta L41.0
Pityriasis lichenoides et varioliformis acuta: Following an unclear febrile infection acutely occurring exanthema with differently sized, symmetrically distributed papules, few papulovesicles and erosions.

Mastocytosis (overview) Q82.2
Urticaria pigmentosa adultorum: Classical form of cutaneous mastocytosis (excess of mast cells in the skin) with multiple red patches and wheals (positive Darier sign, due to the friction of the trousers) clearly protruding in the buttock area, and light brown in the adjacent lumbar area, 0.1-0.3 cm in size.