Image diagnoses for "Neck"
120 results with 205 images
Results forNeck

Acanthosis nigricans (overview) L83
Acanthosis nigricans: grey-brown, papillomatous-hyperkeratotic, extensive, blurred, symptomless plaques in an otherwise healthy 40-year-old woman.

Alopecia areata (overview) L63.8
Alopecia areata: Sharply defined, roundish, hairless area in the beard area.

Cutis rhomboidalis nuchae L57.2
Cutis rhomboidalis nuchae. coarse-meshed, bulging wrinkles in the neck with massive actinic elastosis. conspicuous follicular prominence with increased retention of the follicular keratin (preliminary stage to the finding in Favre-Racouchaud's disease).

Cutis rhomboidalis nuchae L57.2
Cutis rhomboidalis nuchae. overlapping wrinkles in the neck in massive elastosis actinica in a 73-year-old patient employed in agriculture. The clinical picture is pathognomonic.

Cutis rhomboidalis nuchae L57.2
Cutis rhomboidalis nuchae, fieldedfolds of skin in massive elastosis actinica in a 75-year-old patient; the clinical picture is pathognomonic.

Chronic actinic dermatitis (overview) L57.1
Dermatitis chronic actinic: Chronic laminar eczema reaction which is essentially limited to the exposed skin areas Typical of chronic actinic dermatitis and thus distinguishable from a toxic light reaction (type acute solar dermatitis) is the blurred transition (eczematous scattering reactions) from lesional to healthy skin.

Eczema herpeticum B00.0
Eccema herpeticatum, densely aggregated, grouped, centrally navelled vesicles and eroded papules.

Eczema herpeticum B00.0

Atopic dermatitis (overview) L20.-
Eczema, atopic. brownish, dry, scaly plaques on lichenified ground in the neck area of a 24-year-old female patient. infestation of the large joint bends as well as seizure-like, tormenting itching.

Atopic dermatitis (overview) L20.-
Eczema, atopic. solitary, chronically stationary, now acutely weeping (superinfection), blurred, itchy and painful, rough, bright red plaque.

Erythrosis interfollicularis colli L57.3

Erythrosis interfollicularis colli L57.3

Acne keloidalis nuchae L73.0
Acne keloidalis nuchae. 7-year-old patient with multiple erythematous papules and nodules in the neck of a 31-year-old patient.

Acne keloidalis nuchae L73.0
Acne keloidalis nuchaeDetail magnification: Multiple, solitary or confluent, bright red papules, pustules and nodules, some of which are pierced by terminal hairs.

Acne keloidalis nuchae L73.0
Acne keloidalis nuchae, detail magnification: In the center a wide scar plate with a linear course to the left and right side (condition after several excisions) with papules and nodules localized at the margins.

Folliculitis barbae L73.8
Folliculitis barbae. multiple, chronically active (changing symptoms for the last 3 months), follicular, sometimes painful, also itchy, red, rough papules and pustules localised on the neck and chin. no comedones. the patient shaves dry.

Geiger knot L70.8

Infant haemangioma (overview) D18.01

Infant haemangioma (overview) D18.01

Infant haemangioma (overview) D18.01
Infant hemangioma. 2.0 x 1.0 cm in size, solitary, chronically dynamic, rapidly growing since 2 months, soft, indolent, blue, smooth lump on the left eye of a 3-month-old infant. Furthermore, there is pronounced ptosis of the left eyelid and restrictions of the eye mobility of the left eye.

Infant haemangioma (overview) D18.01