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Biographical detailsThis section has been translated automatically.
(¤ 1941, † 2006) Dermatologist, born in Zwickau. Studied human medicine in Budapest. 1965 Training as occupational physician at the University of Leipzig. 1968 Doctorate at the Medical Academy Magdeburg. Dermatological training in Leipzig. 1975 habilitation. From 1983 head of the department of allergology and occupational medicine in Leipzig. 1992 Head physician of a dermatological department in Bad Orb. Scientific focus was on occupational medicine. Thus he discovered the accumulation of systemic scleroderma in workers of the so-called Wismuth AG, a company of the GDR in Aue, where uranium was "covertly" mined under a deliberately false name.
LiteratureThis section has been translated automatically.
- Elsner P (2006) Obituary Volker Ziegler. Dermatology at work and in the environment 54: 167-168