Trichophyton mentagrophytes Images
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Trichophyton mentagrophytes. culture top: cultivation on selective, modified (cycloheximide, chloramphenicol) cinnamon agar at 25 °C. Relatively fast-growing (already after 10 days mycelium 1 cm ø) colonies. Depending on the variant of the pathogen white to white-grey, granular (granular) or powdery colonies with central furrow.

Trichophyton mentagrophytes. underside of the culture: Depending on the variety and the culture medium, the colonies are usually yellow, orange or intense reddish-brown in colour with small radiating edges.

Trichophyton mentagrophytes: Microscopy of a culture of T. mentagrophytes on Kimmig's agar in fluorescence staining; strongly branched hyphae with pear-shaped microconidia and a multi-chambered macroconidia (top right); Fungiqual A fluorescence staining (Prof. Dr. H. Koch).

Trichophyton mentagrophytes. branched hyphae, typical spiral hyphae (missing in the picture) often only found in the strongly pigmented or granular cultures. microconidia: acladium-shaped and botrytyshaped arranged, round or pear-shaped mostly laterally attached to mycelium branches. macroconidia: mostly cylindrical or cigar-shaped thin- and smooth-walled, 3-8 chambers. so called nodular organs occur in the variant T. mentagrophytes var. nodulare