Stucco keratosis Images
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Stucco keratosis:disseminated, up to 0.4 cm large, white-grey, symptomless, warty papules; moderate actinic damage to the lower legs

Stucco keratosis. disseminated, up to 0.4 cm large, white-grey, symptomless papules with wart-like surface. actinically damaged lower leg.

Stucco keratosis: flat, longstanding and multiplying, non-reactive, scaly, depigmented patches in UV-exposed skin of the lower legs, S.a. Hypomelanosis guttata.

Stuccokeratosis. sawtooth-like acanthosis with pronounced orthohyperkeratosis. Loosened dermis with a thin lymphocytic infiltrate.

Stucco keratosis, detail enlargement: Sawtooth-like extended surface epithelium with enormous lamellar hyperkeratosis, acutely elongated papillae.