Striated leukonychia L60.8

Author: Prof. Dr. med. Peter Altmeyer

Co-Autor: Dr. Michael Hambardzumyan

All authors of this article

Last updated on: 29.10.2020

Dieser Artikel auf Deutsch

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Leukonychie with white horizontal stripes of varying width in the nail. Begins at the lunula, grows over the nail. S.a.u. Meess transverse bands.

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Manicure damage, acid burns, thallium and arsenic intoxication, severe craniocerebral trauma are suspected. The white longitudinal stripes from the proximal nail wall to the free nail end are typical for Darier's disease and Hailey-Hailey disease, but also occur in isolation.

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Avoid the triggering factors.

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  1. Bryer-Ash M et al (1981) A case of leuconychia striata with severe erythema multiforme. Clin Exp Dermatol 6:565-5
  2. Kostaki D et al (2014) Longitudinal leuconychia striata: is it a common sign in Hailey-Hailey and Darier disease? J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol 28:126-127

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Last updated on: 29.10.2020