Skin tension lines Images
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Skin Tension Lines. course of the skin tension lines ("RSTL") in the head and face area.

Skin tension lines. Possible incisions in the head area for close flap plasty.

Skin tension lines: The course of the skin tension lines in the area of the neck, shoulder and back.

Skin tension lines. course of the skin tension lines in the area of the trunk as well as possible incision lines and incisions for suture flap plastics on the ventral trunk.

Skin tension lines. course of the skin tension lines in the area of the trunk as well as possible incisions in the case of close flap plastics on the trunk.

Skin tension lines. course of the skin tension lines as well as possible incision lines and incisions for close flap plastics on the thigh.

The course of the skintension lines as well as possible incisions for suture flap plastics on the lower leg.

Skin tension lines. course of the skin tension lines and incision lines in the area of the feet.

Skin tension lines. incision lines and incisions for suture flap plastics on the hand.