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Schultze Walther

Author: Prof. Dr. med. Peter Altmeyer

All authors of this article

Last updated on: 11.04.2021

Biographical details
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Born in 1893, died in 1970.

Walther Schultze worked in the field of dermatological radiotherapy and skin physiology. He was particularly interested in the effects of skin cleansing.

Walther Schultze habilitated in Gießen under Albert Jesionek. In 1934 he moved from Giessen to the University of Jena, but returned to his old place of work only one year later as Albert Jesioneks successor.
The time of the 3rd Reich had severe consequences for the German dermatology. At all universities dermatologists of Jewish origin were forced out of their positions and replaced by party members whose scientific qualification often left much to be desired. Also the appointment of Walther Schultze had political reasons: Schultze was a convinced National Socialist and was appointed head of the NS-Dozentenbund from the winter semester 1936/37.

In 1945 he was removed from office.

The management of the dermatological clinic in Gießen, which had been severely damaged during the war, was taken over from 1945 to 1949 by his former senior physician Hans Koehler (1908 - 1973), who became the first full professor for dermatology at the Medical University of Lübeck in 1965.

Outgoing links (2)

Jesionek, albert; Koehler, hans;


Last updated on: 11.04.2021