État pseudopéladique
DefinitionThis section has been translated automatically.
For historical reasons still today (although increasingly rare) the common collective term for the "condition" of a scarring alopecia (see below alopecia; see below pseudopélade).
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The term "Etat pseudopéladique", coined by Degos in 1951, was intended to emphasize that the pseudopélade (Brocq) is only a scarred final state and not a nosological entity.
LiteratureThis section has been translated automatically.
- Braun-Falco O et al. (1989) Pseudopélade Brocq. dermatologist 40: 77-83
- Degos R et al (1951) A propos de 111 cas d`alopécies cicatrielles en petites aires. L`état pseudopéladique. Bull Soc franç Derm Syph 58: 451-452
Please ask your physician for a reliable diagnosis. This website is only meant as a reference.