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Subtype of chronic prurigo of a very rare, chronic, polyetiological systemic disease characterized by numerous, large, intensely itchy (or painful) plaques and nodules, which is regarded as the maximum form of prurigo simplex subacuta (or nodular variant of lichen simplex chronicus) (note: many authors emphasize the etiogenetic independence of prurigo nodularis). This disease is characterized by an almost unbreakable cycle of itching/pain and uncontrollable scratching. From lesional scratching effects with reactive skin changes (inflammation, acanthosis, fibrosis, increased density of substance P-positive nerves) as well as itching/pain that flares up again (Tsianakas A et al. 2016).
For more information on prurigo of the nodular type (prurigo nodularis), see below. Chronic prurigo.