Primary cutaneous acral CD8+ T-cell-lymphoma

Last updated on: 29.11.2021

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Primary cutaneous acral CD8+ T-cell lymphoma is an entity first described in 2005 that presents with slow-growing papules and nodules mostly in - name-acral localization (Ally MS et al. 2014; Petrella T et al. 2007; Suchak R et al. 2010), shows indolent clinical behavior and no evidence of systemic involvement (Li J Y et al. 2014).

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Although the majority of lesions are solitary and localized to the ears (Beltraminelli H et al. 2010; PetrellaT et al. 2007; Suchak R et al. 2010), bilateral symmetric presentations (Beltraminelli H et al. 2010) Petrella T et al., 2007;) Lesions on the nose (Greenblatt D et al. 2013; Suchak R et al. 2010) or on extrafacial, but mostly also acral localizations (Greenblatt D et al. 2013) have been described.

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Dense diffuse dermal lymphoma infiltrate of medium sized CD8+ lymphocytes (Beltraminelli H et al. 2010) where the infiltrate usually shows a clear border zone to the overlying epithelium and has a low proliferation index (Li et al., 2014). The atypical T cells usually express CD3, CD8 and TIA1 and are negative for CD4, CD30, CD56 (Beltraminelli H et al. 2010).

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While acral CD8+ cutaneous lymphoma was initially considered a CD8+ 6 variant of CD4+ small-medium cell TCL and not a distinct subgroup (Beltraminelli H et al. 2010), acral CD8+ TCL has since been included as a separate provisional entity in the 2016 WHO classification (Swerdlow et al., 2016)

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  1. Ally MS et al (2014) A review of the solitary cutaneous T-cell lymphomas. J Cutan Pathol 41: 703-714.
  2. Beltraminelli H et al (2010) Indolent CD8+ lymphoid proliferation of the ear: a phenotypic variant of the small-medium pleomorphic cutaneous T-cell lymphoma? J Cutan Pathol 37: 81-84.
  3. Greenblatt D et al (2013). Indolent CD8(+) lymphoid proliferation of acral sites: a clinicopathologic study of six patients with some atypical features. J Cutan Pathol 40: 248-258.
  4. Li J Y et al. (2014) Multicenter case series of indolent small/medium-sized CD8+ lymphoid proliferations with predilection for the ear and face. Am J Dermatopathol 36: 402-408.
  5. Petrella T et al (2007) Indolent CD8-positive lymphoid proliferation of the ear: a distinct primary cutaneous T-cell lymphoma? Am J Surg Pathol 31: 1887-1892.
  6. Suchak R et al. (2010) Indolent CD8-positive lymphoid proliferation on the face: part of the spectrum of primary cutaneous small-/ 44 medium-sized pleomorphic T-cell lymphoma or a distinct entity? J Cutan Pathol 37: 977-981.
  7. Swerdlow SH et al (2014) International Lymphoma Study, G. (2014). Cytotoxic T-cell and NK-cell lymphomas: current questions and controversies. Am J Surg Pathol 38: e60-71.
  8. Swerdlow SH et al (2016) The 2016 revision of the World Health Organization classification of lymphoid neoplasms. Blood 127: 2375-2390.

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Last updated on: 29.11.2021