Nevus pigmentosus et pilosus Images
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Large homogeneouslypigmented, hairy nevus in the facial region in young patients.

Naevus pigmentosus et pilosus, sharply defined, light brown, centrally somewhat darker pigmented, hairy nevus on the leg, since birth.

Naevus pigmentosus et pilosus. 2.8 x 1.4 cm measuring, slightly elevated, medium brown plaque with darkly pigmented, partly verrucously imposing central part in an 11-year-old Turkish girl. The skin change grows continuously with the growth-related increase of the body surface. Multiple dark hairs grow in the perilesional environment and on the plaque itself.

Naevus pigmentosus et pilosus. solitary, chronically stationary (congenital), approx. 2.0 cm large, sharply defined, indolent, hypertrichotic plaque.

Nevus pigmentosus et pilosus. congenital, 6.0 x 3.0 cm large, slightly raised and only slightly increased in consistency, size constant, asymptomatic plaque in a 46-year-old man. brown-black speckled surface as well as clearly increased hair growth in the area of the nevus.

Naevus pigmentosus et pilosus: Strongly pigmented plaque with dense hairs, existing since birth, increasing in proportion to the growth of the body in recent years.

Naevus pigmentosus et pilosus. congenital (permanent), sharply defined, light brown, often centrally somewhat darker pigmented, hairy plaque, which surrounds the right ankle joint. History and clinical picture are diagnostically conclusive.