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Mosquitoes: Aedes aegypti (order Diptera, family Culicidae (mosquitoes), typical is the "curled" tarsus (leg), hence the name Egyptian tiger mosquito.

Mosquitoes. Aedes aegypti. The wings are equipped with fine hairs.

Mosquitoes. Aedes aegypti (mosquito ). The buttons are short, the feelers have bristles.

mosquitoes. larva of Aedes aegypti. on the left (dark brown) the breathing tube can be seen, which in contrast to other mosquitoes appears stocky and barrel-shaped. it is provided with a line of thorns. with the help of the breathing tube, which is located in the siphon, the larva can get air to breathe from the water surface.

Mosquitoes. Head of an Aedes larva. The mouth brushes on the front of the head are responsible for feeding.

Mosquitoes. Body of an Aedes' larva. On the body are the palm hairs arranged in pairs.

Mosquitoes. anopheles (mosquito ). the wings are long, narrow and with fine veining. the veins are covered with plain brown scales.

Mosquitoes. anopheles head (mosquito). you can see the thread-like, segmented feelers as well as the feelers, which are also segmented and as long as the mosquito's trunk.

Mosquitoes. Anopheles larva. These mosquitoes have no breathing tube, they lie parallel to the water surface.

Mosquitoes. anopheles head (mosquito). the mouth parts can be seen on the head and palm hairs on the body.

Mosquitoes. anopheles (mosquito ). the segmented feelers are in the same length as the mosquito's trunk. the segmented feelers can also be seen in the upper right part of the picture.

Mosquitoes. Culex (mosquitoes). The legs (tarsus) are less segmented than those of Aedes mosquitoes.

Mosquitoes: Culex (mosquitoes) The wings are veined and scaled, but more monochrome brown and not spotted.

Mosquitoes. Culex. The back end is blunt, and there are three seed pods there.

mosquitoes. culex-females (mosquitoes). the males have longer feelers, and these are partly longer than the mosquito's trunk. the feelers are clearly bushier than in the females.

Mosquitoes. Culex larva. the paired palm hairs can be seen here on the body of the Culex larva.

mosquitoes. culex larva. in the area of the siphon (rear part) the breathing tube is visible (dark brown), which is long and slim in contrast to aedes. it also has several lines of thorns.

Mosquitoes. Culex larva. In the head, the mouth brushes and the palm hairs on the body can be seen.

Mosquitoes: Simulium damnosum (blackfly, order Diptera), altogether fly-like habitus, compactly built with 11 cylindrical segments.

Mosquitoes. Simulium damnosum (blackfly). There are short, horn-shaped antennae on the head, the thorax is bulging.